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Concertina event at ecmw 2011

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Steady On Mr Timson! Have a care Sir!

'Informal' certainly, 'charming' definitely, but 'loosely organised'..!! It's as tight as a drum; no 'I' undotted or 'T' uncrossed, no pub untested, everything coordinated and timed to the second after months of careful planning..........

Pea-shooters at dawn on Saturday morning, just before we stagger to our cots!


Looking forward to seeing you both.

Best wishes,


"It's as tight as a drum;"

I am still searching for the special unadjustable, old-fashioned bodhran skin-drying-out-room which was assumed also to be in place to cope with the effect of force 9 storms rolling in every hour and the dank grey sea mist enveloping the hungovering campsite... are u saying this was not prioritised above the full breakfast, HP and CraBBery Source?

So that's it then, definitely Legumes Al Daynte (peeled plum tomatoes will only be-eaten with bacon)preceded by massed Bodhran rollers, rolling and lolling a full drum roll :ph34r: (The CLF & the WWLF).

Sorry- forgot the time and place for beaters' seconds: Dawn's tent.

Edited by Kautilya
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Your smiley seems to be about showers on the camp site Chris? But tort u were staying upmarket no? :rolleyes:

(Just apply Mornington Crescent Rules (Bodhran regulations, Ard Rí - C13th) to squeeze the pips out of the post itself :blink: .)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, given that I've never been to this, or to any folk festival for that matter (and yes Roger, I understand that it isn't a formal festival) how does all this go?


Everyone bumbles about independently until we all home in on the concertina event, when we probably travel in a loose huddle from then on?


Or is there a 'known place' where the concertina enthusiasts gather?


Or you just mooch about looking for interesting things happening in corners which you then add yourself to? (I think this is what I'm expecting)


Any advice for the uninitiated?

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I've emailed you my telephone numbers.

Don't worry about the 'Sold Out' notice. I've reserved you a day ticket.

We have a programme of talks and sessions, but spontaneous things will simply 'happen'.

Look forward to meeting you.

Best wishes,


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Or is there a 'known place' where the concertina enthusiasts gather?


Or you just mooch about looking for interesting things happening in corners which you then add yourself to? (I think this is what I'm expecting)


Any advice for the uninitiated?

Shame on you. U clearly have taken nothing in from the protracted discussion which has already attracted 2,184 views and 48 responses.


The core message?: Play it by ear! :lol:


looking forward to missing you...

BTW G has just told me he can't make it out of his mountain fastnesses but says to thank you again for the kind offer of the lift. :)

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So, given that I've never been to this, or to any folk festival for that matter (and yes Roger, I understand that it isn't a formal festival) how does all this go?


Everyone bumbles about independently until we all home in on the concertina event, when we probably travel in a loose huddle from then on?


Or is there a 'known place' where the concertina enthusiasts gather?


Or you just mooch about looking for interesting things happening in corners which you then add yourself to? (I think this is what I'm expecting)


Any advice for the uninitiated?

Don't ask me I shall be equally lost

Al :blink:

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I’ve received an email from Geoff Crabb expressing his intention of dropping in to Brightlingsea on the Saturday afternoon. This was the spur I needed to add a special concertina event to the programme.

This will take place in the Beer Tent between 2.00 - 3.45 p.m. and will be led by Michael Hebbert and his Jeffries Duet. In addition to concertina music, there’ll be concertina conversation with Geoff bringing his knowledge, anecdotes and screwdriver.

Experienced Anglo players whom I know are attending the weekend include Mark Davies, Chas Marshall, and Keith Kendrick whom I expect to be in proud possession of his two brand spanking new, custom-built 40 key Anglos. Gavin Atkin is also attending, so we have the very rare prospect of two Jeffries duets in the same place!


Another highlight of the weekend will be our own LDT making her international debut as a barmaid on the Friday evening! I expect she’s already selecting an appropriate hat!


Tickets are selling well, but there are still some available. Visit our website, www.ecmbrightlingsea.com and follow the link.


Best wishes,


I hope to be there on the Saturday





I hope we can get a few tunes together on the Saturday at last.

Just look out for the red and white VW campervan (Lucky Lady).


See you there.


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I’ve received an email from Geoff Crabb expressing his intention of dropping in to Brightlingsea on the Saturday afternoon. This was the spur I needed to add a special concertina event to the programme.

This will take place in the Beer Tent between 2.00 - 3.45 p.m. and will be led by Michael Hebbert and his Jeffries Duet. In addition to concertina music, there’ll be concertina conversation with Geoff bringing his knowledge, anecdotes and screwdriver.

Experienced Anglo players whom I know are attending the weekend include Mark Davies, Chas Marshall, and Keith Kendrick whom I expect to be in proud possession of his two brand spanking new, custom-built 40 key Anglos. Gavin Atkin is also attending, so we have the very rare prospect of two Jeffries duets in the same place!


Another highlight of the weekend will be our own LDT making her international debut as a barmaid on the Friday evening! I expect she’s already selecting an appropriate hat!


Tickets are selling well, but there are still some available. Visit our website, www.ecmbrightlingsea.com and follow the link.


Best wishes,


I hope to be there on the Saturday





I hope we can get a few tunes together on the Saturday at last.

Just look out for the red and white VW campervan (Lucky Lady).


See you there.


I actually sat next to you at Stowmarket a couple of years ago Martin so I shall recognise you by your white hair.

Al :)

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