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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. This concertina is now sold. A buyer who contacted me before I relisted ended up following through on the purchase, so I've removed it from eBay.
  2. Update: relisted at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190732959038 as a regular auction (no buy-it-now)
  3. My backup concertina is a fiddle. (Possible bumper sticker idea?)
  4. Yup, I'm guessing that everyone's finances are more constrained than they were a few years ago. I was actually on a waiting list when I bought this one, though, and I'm glad I was able to play it for the past several years as I waited for the instrument I had already ordered.
  5. Since no one bought it at $6000, I'm open to accepting any reasonable offers. I will donate the customary 2% to concertina.net if sold here.
  6. Hi, all. I've just put my 35-key ebony-ended Suttner anglo on eBay at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190732959038 I bought this from another forum member several years ago and it's back on the market again since I have another Suttner arriving shortly. Edit: Relisted and updated the link above. Starting price is $4800 and the auction ends on Thursday. Feel free to ask me questions here or via eBay.
  7. I dealt with this about a year ago. Since I was shipping to Germany and the German post won't accept USPS packages insured for more than US $500, I had no choice but to use UPS and it ended up costing over US $600 in shipping and insurance.
  8. For me, it's weird to see that name on a concertina since I've been playing on an "Andreas Morelli" violin for the past 10 years. It wasn't actually made by anyone named Morelli, but rather "Andreas Morelli" was the trade name used by German maker Karl Herrmann (and possibly others in his shop) during the 1920s and 30s for his top-grade instruments.
  9. dpmccabe

    Connor Anglo

    I'm not surprised. Decent Lachenals have been going for £2000 these days and a Connor is certainly quite a bit better than any Lachenal.
  10. Get the Mad for Trad Niall Vallely tutorial and he demonstrates how to do a really useful RH roll. I use so much now it's hard to imagine not having it.
  11. Don't do it. I have a bass D on this button and although it's nice for chords, I sorely miss the low A which is actually used in tunes quite frequently. I would rather have the bass D in the reed currently occupied by the low F (last button in the accidental row).
  12. No pipes in Altan. Probably The Bothy Band or The Chieftans.
  13. There should be a sticky about mics. http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php...202&hl=mics http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php...681&hl=mics http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php...654&hl=mics http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php...463&hl=mics http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php...533&hl=mics http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php...297&hl=mics More than you ever wanted to know.
  14. I just use three strips of electrical tape, which doesn't leave a sticky residue when you take it off. There isn't a wide, flat surface on the mic or the holders that came with them to put much velcro on. The holders are designed to be slid onto the end of a trumpet bell, for instance, and there's no comparable place on a concertina for them.
  15. Niall Vallely used to use the AKG gooseneck mics you're probably referring to. When I was looking for mics a while back I asked him if he still used them and he has switched to Sennheiser e608s since the AKGs were too sensitive to feedback. I decided to give the Sennheisers a go and have been very happy with them. Never tried an AKG, though.
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