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Everything posted by LDT

  1. LDT

    Tickly Cough

    Slip jig? I was erm...just going with the flow. The Lemslip Jig...like it. lol
  2. LDT

    Tickly Cough

    Okay...well being off work for 2 days with a cough I got rather bored and wrote a tune http://www.onmvoice.com/play.php?a=17774 title: Tickly Cough probably broke all those tune writing 'rules' but oh well....
  3. Intresting thought....if in a hundred years time people will point at the statue and say I wonder who they were?
  4. Just had a chance to listen to it. Nice.
  5. I know how you feel. (I tried an experiment a little while ago...same tune tried to play it on melodeon and anglo. It took me over double the time to get just the melody on concertina compared to melodeon where I was able to add at least a mainly right accompaniment.) My problem is I don't get how to make my own chords...I find it hard enough just to remember the 8 buttons on the melodeon. lol
  6. I just occured to me, reading this question, that making music is not only physical, but mental as well. A good "mental posture" is important, especially when performing for others. And for me, "dressing up" for a gig improves my mental posture. It reminds me that I'm not here to noodle about. I am (I hope) the centre of attention, not only of the ears but also of the eyes of the audience. So I'd better do my best! I want people to take my music seriously, so I show them how seriously I take it by not just "coming as I am". Ha h'm....not a concertina but me in edwardian get-up;
  7. I think it looks gorgeous. Especially like the way there's fretwork(?) round the edges.
  8. Here's a oxymoron for you. I'm right-handed but I use my knife and fork left-handed and used the left-handed scissors at school. And when I sew I use both hands. And when I attempted unsuccessfully to learn the guitar I kept wanting to hold it the wrong way round. lol!
  9. Anyone mastered Dave Townsend's morning concertina offerings?["any concertina system@" I am beginning to wonder whether they are for a 30 key anglo as my 20 seems to have trouble finding some of the notes, even when set to robot auto play mode*..... B) or maybe it is just me. Tallship most kindly abc'd and midi'd Galop hey and The drummer for me so I can pm them if someone wants as not heard from Dave yet whether all right to post them publicly. Sounds like I'm in the same class in the morning as you. I've got a 30 button and I'm still struggling....although that may be because I learn tunes slower on the concertina than melodeon....and I need about 6months to learn a tune. lol! I am now putting aside a year never mind six months! :( I'm still working on the ones from last year. lol!
  10. Anyone mastered Dave Townsend's morning concertina offerings?["any concertina system@" I am beginning to wonder whether they are for a 30 key anglo as my 20 seems to have trouble finding some of the notes, even when set to robot auto play mode*..... B) or maybe it is just me. Tallship most kindly abc'd and midi'd Galop hey and The drummer for me so I can pm them if someone wants as not heard from Dave yet whether all right to post them publicly. Sounds like I'm in the same class in the morning as you. I've got a 30 button and I'm still struggling....although that may be because I learn tunes slower on the concertina than melodeon....and I need about 6months to learn a tune. lol!
  11. its this version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltAGuuru7Q&feature=related they always seem to use on trailers and adverts etc.
  12. My sister wants to buy a ukulele so she can play 'somewhere over the rainbow'.
  13. This is multi-tracked with me and an online friend playing various instruments. (Including Concertina). Hope you enjoy it. Rogues March (Virtual Duet) http://www.onmvoice.com/play.php?a=16093
  14. I know this comment isn't useful but...'ooooh its pretty'
  15. bugeilior gwenith gwyn http://www.onmvoice.com/play.php?a=15595 apologies for my poor playing...its got a concertina and a melodeon in there. lol
  16. oops...I was seeing what it sounded like in different keys. Music have copy n pasted the wrong version.:embarressed:
  17. Had another go at re-writing Lady D's Jig...this time starting from scratch but keeping the elements I liked. thanks to tallship for translating it into ABC X:1 T:Lady D's New Jig C: LDT M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D E | FGA FGA | EGB BGF | EGB E2 G | E2 E E2 G | FGA FGA | EGB BGE | EGB E2 G | E3 D2 :| E | B2 G EGB | E2 G BGE | D2 F G2 F | E2 E E2 G | B2 G EGB | E2 G BGE | EGB BGE | E3 D2 :|
  18. LDT

    Jane Austen

    Well I found this amusing (came across it when searching for regency outfits, it was linked to on the costume site) Rules for dancing. http://www.memorialhall.mass.edu/classroom/curriculum_6th/lesson13/1803dancerules.html So chaps no long beards and ladies no scissors.
  19. Thanks. Both of you. Glad to know others like it. I seem to have got a completely different reaction on melodeon.net Odd that. lol!
  20. and me attempting to play it http://www.onmvoice.com/play.php?a=15080 And this is the three legged waltz....its a work in progress http://www.onmvoice.com/play.php?a=15081
  21. I think they'd guess it was written by me straight away as I'm not very good at this. Wish I understood how music works more....I was randomly grabbing at straws really.
  22. I liked the idea. Interesting. I'm not sure of the rhythm or accentuation though. At times I get it, but then I lose it in a few measures. But the idea is good, I like it's haunted feel and transparency. Others are lost with me. I'll try it out tonight. That's would be great especially if you can pin point for me where the problem is. As I know there is some sections that might be the culprit. Well I have a recording of the A part of an early draft...I am planning to record the whole one maybe saturday, depends when I get time.
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