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    Music, beer and sport. Generally in that order
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    Scarborough North Yorks

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  1. Hi there and welcome, I have been playing a short while and would like to suggest you don't overlook the possibility of playing an English concertina. It is not ideal to play authentic phrasing on Irish music ( si I have been told) but I have enjoyed the ability to play a range of music and keys ( particularly violin sheet music). Just a thought. Enjoy whatever you choose. Regards Trilby
  2. Glad it isn't just me being odd! With my vocal pitch even middle c is a bit "top end" !!!
  3. I would be interested to peoples replies also. I have had an English 48 key Gremlin for a year and have seldom strayed near the very high notes. I haven't seen them used in many tunes at all and have often wondered if I should have gone for a tenor which would have been more useful for chords ( i would have thought). I know it is horses for courses but as a general rule, what do people think?
  4. Hi Steve I am looking to make the reverse trip. I have been playing English 9 months or so and really enjoying it but have a yearning for a melodeon ( Spiers and Boden/ Ratcatchers gigs!) just need to find that bargain ! Regards Trilby
  5. I know the wife may go on a bit but I think that may be a bit extreme !
  6. I know the feeling all to well but don't have a solution. Fortunately I don't disturb the neighbours as the previous owners of the house built a somewhat strange addition which doesn't have a connecting wall to next door. But my wife, who is perfect in all other respects, likes to watch tv in bed while I after a couple of ( purely medicinal) libations like nothing more than half an hour of enthusiastic ( musical) exercise. Let me tell you, sighs have been exchanged!
  7. It is a while since Ithe stones were on my play list. Which album is it on I might check it out? The Stones on concertina......... not as strange as it sounds, like it. Would "As Tears Go By" be too obvious? Regards Trilby
  8. This isn't concertina related but on friday I bought Golden Afrique vol 2 ( The blue one) and it is magnificent. It is Congolese rumba/soukos music and though it doesn't to my knowledge have a concertina on it it does have an accordion player (Camille Feruzi ) leading a band. For those of a jazz/world persuasion it also has a very early outing by Manu Dibangu. It is a wonderful listen and I defy anyone not to tap their foot vigourously if not shake a leg!
  9. I didn't know that. Love Hank, not so keen on JAMC. I have been trying to think of artists I would want to the same for......... best so far and in the same kind of field would be Kevin Coyne. To my mind one of Britains most underrated artists. The more I think about it the more I like the idea. I would love to start doing some home recording. Regards Trilby
  10. Sorry, messed up last reply. Really enjoyed the tracks. They took me way back to student days during the barren early 80's when I took refuge from Duran Duran et al in second hand record shops and the 60's and early 70's. I haven't heard the album for nearly 25 years! keep up the good work. What will the next album be ? This could be a runner ! Regards Trilby
  11. That's right, The Mascara Snake, fast 'n' bulbous! Beefheart on concertina, now that really is an idea - why didn't I think of that... One of the less unconventional Trout Mask Replica tunes like "Moonlight On Vermont" might work really well... As the good captain would say "hit that long lunar note and let it float" if I remeber rightly...
  12. Wow, some seriously unexpected covers there ! It has made me dig out my echo and the bunnymen lps for the first time in 15 years so you have done me a great favour. Is this going to be a growth area as midi and such like takes hold...... I think I like it. "Silver machine" anyone or how about Captain Beefheart's " Bat Chain Puller". This could be the new Mornington Crescent ! ( Oh dear I'm getting carried away again). Trilby
  13. I wouldn't say it is rock and roll in any way shape or form but Jon Boden's recent solo album Painted lady has some effective playing on it. The talented so and so plays all instruments and to my mind ploughs an interesting English Tom Waitsish furrow. Trilby
  14. I have waited for some time to emulate the ( in my mind )somewhat discredited Flowerdew defence of Mudchute, which avoids giving away the possibly winning move of Island Gardens.
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