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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. The C/G might be sold and is now RESERVED as payments are pending. (the G?D is still available).
  2. Yep, although I am awaiting a mail from someone who was interested a week ago still. PS both are in good condition as for tuning and playing...
  3. You mean layout? Jeffries, as is most common with f.i. Irish music.
  4. 1 Edgley hybrids for sale, recently tuned by Karel van der Leeuw, and in quite good condition, keys C/G and G/D. Key of C/G has been sold ! G/D still available, and its a good one as well! PS the C/G has a 3mm leather support gasket adaption under the end-plates to decrease the too long sticking out buttons for ease of playing. Seems even the sound is better now, as i sold my Heritage in favor of this speedy player. The G/D has been converted from Wheatstone to Jeffries system professionally, with the same type Voci a mano reeds. Both include a case, 2150 euros each, incl concertina.net provision, and EU imports were paid for. Shipping costs vary due location, usually around 80 Euro for the USA. PS Selling due my recent hearing problems. C/G: G/D:
  5. Got a jeffries system Edgley hybrid c/g for sale, recently tuned and important fix done for playability; leather 3mm gasket fitted under the sideplates to decrease button height and sideways play. Fast and loud player. Price 2150 Euros incl. leather covered handmade quality case. Price is due EU (location Netherlands) import costs. DHL shipping preferred, price varies due shipping location. Selling alas due hearing problems ..
  6. Still thinking about selling, and prices waiting for an offer. Due location in Europe i paid a lot of import taxes and shipping costs, so my suggestion would be to buy one states side?
  7. I might consider selling both my hybrid (professional) C/G and G/D, as i now have a serious hearing problem regarding pitch and higher notes. Both Jeffries system, tuned, and well maintained by a local craftsman. Depends what i get offered for them. Located Europe.
  8. Seth Hamon concertina has been sold , not through concertina.net
  9. Using Wise is maybe Wise if linked to you creditcard. I used it OK, and so did a recent buyer from me here. In a question to my ICS visa the answer was, the money transfer itself is insured via your credit card, but NOT the value of bought items itself during shipping; you still need to insure the value separately of your shipment. Another scam i was confronted with: i recently booked a shipment via Parcel International for TNT express (tracking number and label prints provided). After 3 hours a TNT express collection employee showed up. Alas within a day the parcel disappeared from TNT's tracking radar. I claimed a lost parcel as it was insured by Parcel International, and repeatedly latter told me it was not collected according TNT. I had to provide proof of collection which is normally ONLY sent by email with many shippers as TNT, FedEx, DHL etc. Not in this case. So after a lot of disputing it seems the parcel was stolen by the employee, TNT denies still that latter might have been fraudulent. Even if i reported a witness who saw it all, and i provided photos of the labeled parcel and documentation. Besides that: very conveniently for them Parcel International suddenly removed all documentation about this parcel from their website. And they even invoiced me for this shipment. Paying? My foot. I filed a Police theft report as it seems the parcel is stolen as such. -- I had a similar situation about a year ago with another parcel broker, ParcelParcel, which' insurance finally paid up almost a year later after a lot of disputing and even threatening them with a lawyer. And this parcel was lost by FedEx according tracking in Memphis, and traceable as such. I am not using parcel intermediators any more as of now.
  10. Sold, comission will be paid to concertina.net
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