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Paul Woloschuk

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Everything posted by Paul Woloschuk

  1. You're quite correct. Further to my earlier comment, although the 'official' BRG is rather boring IMO, the green as used by the 1960's (and beyond) racing Aston Martins is absolutely glorious! (Mind you, I'd like an Aston in any colour !) I can't look at your car at the mo Stephen (damn company system, preventing photobucket access) but I'll have a look later - I had a 'go' in a Scooby on a track recently...terrific !
  2. I have always thought that British Racing Green is such an exciting name for such a boring colour!
  3. I suppose I could call mine 'Jeff' ..........I'll get me coat!
  4. Hi Steve, Welcome to C.net I couldn't agree more.
  5. Hmm - I never thought of it that way! I've already started Peter....ever since Woody offered me a tenner for my box for use as a paperweight Youbetcha!
  6. Yes, although I'll be so blown-away by the experience that you'll probably see my Duet on eBay next week Anyone wanna buy a Jeffries Duet?
  7. Yes, although I'll be so blown-away by the experience that you'll probably see my Duet on eBay next week
  8. Michael Hebbert will be there - I'm really looking foward to hearing how a Jeffries Duet should sound!
  9. Hello Amon2 and welcome to this forum. To my opinon the best thing you can do is get a some more money and buy yourself a Jack or Jackie. Good Luck! .... like this one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/concertina-jackie-ja...1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. Rather than use cloth, I use a piece of chamois leather to rest my box on whilst playing (basing my theory on the fact that leather against leather is less likely to create wear than leather against cloth).
  11. :o :o :o Being an ex-Mog owner myself, I can see why you bought it - they're almost as much a rarity as an original Jeffries Duet! Please send me some pics of it when you get a mo - I'll PM you my email address. BTW - I'm going to Kilve again next month - Mike Hibbert is attending...another chance too good to miss All the best, Paul In response to this post... I've not tried rock & roll, but have had a go at Big Band music!
  12. Absolutely! I recall Stuart playing Lou Reed's 'Walk on the Wild Side' at the Swaledale Squeeze last spring. BTW - How's it goin' down in NZ Dirge? - are you driving about in your three-wheeler yet?
  13. Looking at the countersunk screw, it looks very much like those screws that you use to fix bathroom mirrors to a wall (you know the ones - they have a chrome domed screw-in cover) - maybe someone's ground-down the domed cover and made their own strap screw out of it. It might be worth checking out a local hardware / DIY store - just a thought .
  14. This made me recall a document that was drawn-up and distributed by somebody within the company I work for, complete with a list of revision dates etc, which gave very precise instructions on the handling of cardboard packaging. 1. Purpose. This document is a guide for the handling, use and storage of boxes used for packaging for shipment. 2. Scope. Any person who handles "pizza-style” boxes on a regular basis. 3. Definitions..etc,. etc,. 6. Procedure. 6.6 General Handling • Do not throw a box. • Do not drop a box. • Do not kick a box. • Do not place a heavy object on the top, center, of a box. • Do not utilize a box as a step, crowbar, hammer or door stop.
  15. It makes quite a change to find something cheaper in the UK than the US instead of the other way round!
  16. I read in a Wiltshire paper that Mummers are unable to perform in a pub where they had previously done so, because when that publican filled out his licencing requirement, he failed to put a tick in the box for acting performances (thinking that he would not be having actors preforming in his pub). But because of that oversight, mumming is prohibited unless he pays £190 for an ammendment (should the mummers perform without the licence, the publican would suffer a £1000 fine ) http://www.gazetteandherald.co.uk/news/dev...licence_law.phpSo, no mummers...and no collection for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance
  17. I'm not doubting that you're not right in what you say, but it'll take a brave and very trusting 'tinerist to follow your advice and set fire to his pride and joy Dave!
  18. IMO, French Polishing would certainly result in a beautiful deep finish if that's what you want.
  19. I didn't know you played the trumpet Chris. If your going to the Radway reunion in Feb next year, perhaps you could bring it along? Chris He said he blew it...he said nothing about playing it! ......I'll get me coat!
  20. Hello Helen, and welcome to c.net. There's certainly plenty of people on here who play the Anglo, so you'll not be without help and guidance. I'm pleased that you intend keeping hold of and learn to play your great, great, grandfather's instrument....good luck! Paul
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