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Needing to BUY a concertina


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I've been instructed by the Captain of my ship that I must buy a concertina. Check out his tongue-in-cheek orders:

Mr (name),


The following addition to your personal gear for the 2011 sailing season, is hereby moved from 'suggested' to 'mandatory' status:




Its cost is nominal and its benefits to harmony and discord after long voyages at sea are unparalleled.


Detailed instructions as to the operation of the aforementioned required equipment will be provided as part of the (boat name), 2011 sailing campaign.


However, preparation for the unknown future being a tenant of the sailing vessel (boat name) crew's training regime, I will present some situational scenarios where this particular item will be applicable:







As Ship's Engineer, you've already submitted to completing this task.



Carry on,


Captain Uncle Bobby,

aka: Captain Limpy 2,

aka: 2009's Ahab of the year candidate, 6th runner up.


When I asked him some questions about sources, he humorously replied:

Good Sir Slippopotamus,


I will not trouble myself with your particular choice of a chandler, purveyor or dutch merchantman.


I simply request you acquire the proper kit ahead of our intended voyage.


Most assuredly,


Captain, the unranked, of the cutter, (boat name)



First, I don't want to spend $200 on an instrument I probably can't learn how to play :)

Next, although I have seen this same model on eBay for $50, it seems like a piece of junk, after reading people's reviews of the model.

Lastly, *IF* I was in fact able to learn how to play a concertina, I'd like to have one that is decent.


Cap'n told me to get an Anglo concertina.

Might anyone have one for sale that would be suitable for my needs, or do you have any suggestions for a source/model/style etc.? 20 or 30 button? Does an Anglo make the same sound in both directions (or is there even a connection between the two)?


Thanks very much for your help,


First Mate Slippy

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I've been instructed by the Captain of my ship that I must buy a concertina. Check out his tongue-in-cheek orders:

Mr (name),


The following addition to your personal gear for the 2011 sailing season, is hereby moved from 'suggested' to 'mandatory' status:




Its cost is nominal and its benefits to harmony and discord after long voyages at sea are unparalleled.


Detailed instructions as to the operation of the aforementioned required equipment will be provided as part of the (boat name), 2011 sailing campaign.


However, preparation for the unknown future being a tenant of the sailing vessel (boat name) crew's training regime, I will present some situational scenarios where this particular item will be applicable:







As Ship's Engineer, you've already submitted to completing this task.



Carry on,


Captain Uncle Bobby,

aka: Captain Limpy 2,

aka: 2009's Ahab of the year candidate, 6th runner up.


When I asked him some questions about sources, he humorously replied:

Good Sir Slippopotamus,


I will not trouble myself with your particular choice of a chandler, purveyor or dutch merchantman.


I simply request you acquire the proper kit ahead of our intended voyage.


Most assuredly,


Captain, the unranked, of the cutter, (boat name)



First, I don't want to spend $200 on an instrument I probably can't learn how to play :)

Next, although I have seen this same model on eBay for $50, it seems like a piece of junk, after reading people's reviews of the model.

Lastly, *IF* I was in fact able to learn how to play a concertina, I'd like to have one that is decent.


Cap'n told me to get an Anglo concertina.

Might anyone have one for sale that would be suitable for my needs, or do you have any suggestions for a source/model/style etc.? 20 or 30 button? Does an Anglo make the same sound in both directions (or is there even a connection between the two)?


Thanks very much for your help,


First Mate Slippy

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Hello--I would be more than happy to assist you down the road to perdition that is Concertina Addiction. I have a lovely old 20 button Lachenal that I found in sad shape at a local antique store. My beloved friend, Mike Crowe of Keys and Squeeze (Illinois) has gotten it back into playing condition. I have played it, and it is a sweet sounding thing. Here's the bad news: Such quality does not come cheap. Here is the advantage of this site--I can tell you a story of my own concertina journey because we are not just here for cheap commercialism...

My first concertina was a Gremlin 30 button, and I bought it in Galway for about $750 American. Before the year was out, I upgraded to an American made, new instrument for about $2500. My current Wheatstonet was purchased sight unseen online from a gent in South Africa for over $3500, after which I had the Button Box perform $900 in repairs and refurbishments. That was about 9 years ago. Mike plays a Jeffries which is...well, never mind.


Some of the readers of this post will recognize Mike and me from Noel Hill Concertina school. They may remember that Mike is a force to be reckoned with and I am more like Concertina Lite, but never mind that. We are both legitimate musicians and reasonably honest people..


If you are interested in this old sweetie, let me know and I will send you pictures and a suggested price, which will only match my own costs. My email is: cdkrueger50@yahoo.com.


Cassie Krueger

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Dear Slippy,

Is that your real name? We have a guy in our pirates club named Slappy and the story of how he got his name is not fitting for the mixed company of this forum.

Condolences. (I use this term instead of my most endearing, "You poor bastard".)

And I'm referring to your situation being ordered to take up concertina, not your financial status or whether or not you knew your father.

Like art, "Nominal cost", is in the wallet of the beholder.

Yes, you can get a box on Ebay for less than $200, however, it's unlikely, but not impossible, it will be playable to the point not to be so frustrating that you give it up. I bought no less than 6 cheap ones on Ebay (less than $100) before I found one that didn't leak air so bad I could manage 5 or 6 notes before using the air button. (I'm talking Anglo, never tried an English) Don't waste your money like I did hoping for a decent instrument someone is literally giving away to the highest bidder.

The Youtube links show 2 anglo concertinas, 2 English concertinas , a guiter and trio of guitar, fiddle, (Violin, if you will), and what appears to be a base fiddle? (Base violin if you will).. forget all that, you're not ready for that yet.

I guess I'd have to ask if you play any instrument before going forward. I'll assume not.

I never attempted any instrument before taking up "THE BOX". Much like crack cocain, once you take (Play) your first toke (Note), you're hooked and you just can't put it down. I'm not a drug user but I once played one on TV so I know what I'm talking about....not really, that's a lie, this is just my limited experience opinion.

I don't read music, I just play the tunes I know by ear. I can't see how anyone could read the notes from a sheet, look at the buttons, figure the in or out pull, and play the correct note. It would have to be maddening. Just push the buttons until you find the right ones and remember where they are. Eventually, your fingers will remember even if you're brain doesn't.

I'm assuming your Cap'n wants a few sea shanties or jigs, etc., thats what I do. I started with tunes I knew, then downloaded some midi files and played them a few notes at a time and practiced them accordingly.

There's a lot of good guidance on this forum for the beginner. Lord knows I owe my squeezin life to it. (It's the only life have left now.)

As far as a good beginner instrument, I'd say most here would suggest the Rochelle from Concertina Connection and distributed by several sponsors of this site. It has the spacing of buttons and tuning of a typical vintage 30 button Anglo instrument which makes it easier to make the jump to an extraordinarily expensive instrument once you're hooked. And you will be,... you will be. ( I'm talking about a couple'a thousand bucks)

Ahhemmm, I just happen to have a Rochelle which I cut my teeth on and will sacrifice for a mere $250 (plus shipping) with the original, deluxe, velvet lined, padde gig bag already adorned with awsome jolly rogers on both ends and around the sides. (I'm talking custom here.) I'm sure your Cap'n will love it even if you never learn how to play it. And if you buy it here, today, it comes with an unlimited supply of air for the life of the instrument.... Supplies are limited, so call today.

Did I mention it has 30 cylinders, 60 valves, dual overhead cams and turbo air? Check out that black laquer finish... Sweeeet!


And here it is!!!





Edited by drbones
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Hey Tragus,

I PM'd ye about this, so if you're still interested let me know, if not, then still let me know cause somebody else is lookin' at it and you sure don't wanna miss out. This may well may be the only Rochelle with turbo air since I enlarged the air hole to 3/4 inch so it's not asthmatic anymore.


ps: I'm old and lived a hard life so time is limited and out of respect of the other party, I need to know by this weekend please.


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