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I'm getting ready to upgrade the forums to the new vesrion 3.0. Yes, a lot seems to have changed, but it's the same software so it's not completely new/changed, and it has many new features, and many important new administration features (better anti-spammer and security settings). Coming probably in the next few weeks once I've gotten everything ready and am confident that it's in a stable version...


So don't be surprised if the boards are offline for a few hours in the coming weeks and if things suddenly look different!!






Kudos to Paul for all his hard work. He has provided concertina enthusiasts the updated technological equivilent of the old General Store's pot belly stove where the local community could drop in, warm their hands, share the news and venture an opinion or two that might start a lively debate. I can feel the warmth. Keep stoking the fire, Paul!



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