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Bob Tedrow

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Everything posted by Bob Tedrow

  1. The end result looked great and the sense of pride you must have has been richly deserved. I can think of many worse ways to earn a crust. Ian Don't be too impressed, I made my customer wait about a year to get it done. I felt so guilty about making him wait that I didn't charge him for the new bellows. So, not only am I slow.....I am only an average businessman at best!
  2. Tony, I have a buyer for you. I don't see your name and number in your profile. Call me at 205 879-4868 Bob Tedrow
  3. No story, a local person brought it to the shop about 8 years ago. They never learned to play it. Sometimes interesting items turn up locally, you never know what will walk in the door. I once bought a Jeffries from an Episcopal Priest who was using the concertina for a bookend. Check out this lovely pair.. http://hmi.homewood.net/Gibsongirl/ Bob
  4. Yes it is. Not mint, but not abused at all.
  5. You can never tell what is lurking in your own Hometown. Alabama is not a hotbed of vintage concertinas. Nevertheless, this turned up from a local person. No doubt Harry's generous dad as well as Harry are long gone, but the engraved tag makes quite a nice memorial concertina. http://hmi.homewood.net/harrysconcertina/ I have not seen a concertina appointed like this, has anyone else?
  6. Finished http://twitter.com/HomewoodMusic Thanks for watching.
  7. Day 9 just posted. In case you feel this is impossibly slow progress, be aware I do have other duties and responsibilities. You all are not bored yet? http://twitter.com/HomewoodMusic
  8. day 6 is up http://twitter.com/HomewoodMusic Those of you who have already looked at my bellows building page can take a break for a while. I am using the same photos for this project. Bob
  9. Yikes! It's there! Thanks, Bob! Very inspirational in all possible ways. /Henrik day 5 is up http://twitter.com/HomewoodMusic
  10. I use ,016 stainless steel. To go that light all buttons and levers and articulations must be free of any binding. Pads must ne in excellent condition.
  11. If a picture is worth a thousand words, we will have quite a novel when I am done with this concertina. I am building a custom Tedrow Zephyr 30 button Anglo Concertina for a customer. I intend on "Twittering" this job as I go. I hope you enjoy the progress and don't get bored. I will try to keep it light. I will try (no promises) to get some of the job up every week day. to follow the progress: http://twitter.com/HomewoodMusic
  12. Great job in preserving a splendid bit of Concertina History. I lent my tapes out years ago and have no idea where they drifted. I miss the C&S magazine as well, even though it's arrival cost me a couple hours of benchwork. Bob
  13. http://twitter.com/HomewoodMusic
  14. Blue sunburst Anglo http://hmi.homewood.net/blue
  15. Very sad news indeed. Our most sincere sympathy for family and friends. Bob Tedrow and family
  16. update on Tedrow English http://hmi.homewood.net/english/english.JPG completed english http://hmi.homewood.net/englishtedrow/ Completed Tedrow English 2009 http://hmi.homewood.net/englishtedrow/
  17. Timbre Comparison of 1924 81 button Wheatstone Mcann Duet and 2009 Tedrow Hayden duet http://hmi.homewood.net/sounds/timbre%20comparison.html
  18. very nice. When I win the lottery (and I will!) I'll order up a batch. Here is the full webpage with a couple more pictures. You can see the gold tooling is completed. http://hmi.homewood.net/hayden2009/
  19. I will have a proper web page up with additional images sometime soon. I changed the fretwork to match more closely the distribution of the reed vents. Plus, I like the variety. It's pretty tight inside to add additional reeds. I have occasionally and by request only (and please do not pronounce anathema upon me) installed a bisonoric reed in the upper end. This series of Haydens carries traditional Italian steel reeds rather than the Czech reeds I experimented with previously. As a matter of minutia I have recenctly decreased the rivet/rivet hole clearance by .015 on all my instruments and switched to chrome tanned goat for bellows. Bob
  20. For your perusal 2009 Series Hayden Duet Chrome tanned Goat bellows http://hmi.homewood.net/hayden2009/ Bob Tedrow
  21. Yes we are by ned. Young daughter is competing in All Ireland Dance competition along with a few other girls from Tennesse and Alabama. We will be in Killarney for several days. If you can find me, I will buy you a pint. Bob Tedrow
  22. update on Tedrow English http://hmi.homewood.net/english/english.JPG completed english http://hmi.homewood.net/englishtedrow/
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