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DD Reed

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    WA state USA

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  1. The concertina has now been shipped to the Button Box. Thank you all ! Thanks Andre
  2. Still available. $3,900.00 anyone ? Before I list it somewhere else. Thanks folks ! Andre
  3. I am selling my Jeff Thomas concertina (#3). C/G 31 buttons, 6 bellows. Great instrument. Asking US $4,200.00 (5,300.00 new). Jeffries layout. 31st button: F#push/C pull. It looks like this: http://www.thomasconcertinas.com Thank you for looking ! Andre
  4. There will be a concert by Noel Hill at the Capitol Theater, downtown Olympia, at 7.30 tomorrow night (Sunday August 14th). 206, 5th Avenue SE. http://www.olympiafilmsociety.org Thank you all! Andre
  5. For Celtic music you'll find that the tutoring material (books, DVDs etc., as well as classes) overwhelmingly caters to anglo players. But it doesn't mean that Celtic music doesn't sound wonderful on English concertinas. Spend some time on YouTube and find out which one you like better. Simon Thoumire's style vs Noel Hill's, to name two of the most prominent exponents of either system.
  6. Post it on the Session.org. Could be helpful. Although those boxes are in such demand, it could cut both ways...
  7. Yes, my fault, it's on the Button Box site. Sorry!
  8. You mean like this one ? http://www.buttonbox/cau0518.html/ Sounds like a good deal by comparison !
  9. Actually, it wouldn't be a bad idea to order a new one now. (Suttner or whatever)You won't need to pay for the whole thing right away, and by the time you get it, say 4 years from now, you'll have saved the money. (mechanical engineers are in demand, you know, even in hard times such as these) Besides, if you don't want it, chances are you'll find somebody eager to snatch it from you! The concertinas being built today are outstanding (Suttner, Thomas, Carroll, Ghent et al. for the higher end stuff...). For what it's worth.
  10. Another possible source for a concertina: http://concertina.free.fr/annonces.html No, it doesn't mean it's a free concertina, and it's gone by now, most likely, but you can find the right instrument, with a little patience. All you needed to do, Gusten, is sell $500.00 worth of your mother's jewelry, and there ya go !
  11. The price seems very reasonable indeed, compared with the Ab/Bb Jeffries currently for sale at the Button Box. That one can be yours for $13.000.00 !
  12. Aye, a good job alright .... & I see he lines them with Velvet too! One word of caution regarding dimensions: the case is 9"&3/8 by 7" & 3/8 W and also 7& 3/8th up to the inside of the lid, WITHOUT the padding. So it's a pretty snug fit for a Thomas or a Lachenal. I don't know about an English Wheatstone... You may need the next size up.
  13. Yep, the Stormcase is the best deal around. Very sturdy and waterproof, it's what Jeff Thomas uses for his boxes, and that in itself is a pretty good indicator of their quality! (check out his website for the pic)
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