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la de da

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  1. I spent more time listening and learning, note by note, her version of that tune than I've ever done. I wasn't well versed in octave playing at all before. Am now. lol I'm still in love with it.
  2. I actually use the concertina app for ipad all the time. Actually, probably every day. I have a neck and shoulder problem that prevents me from practicing actual concertina enough to learn very many tunes, so I learn them on the ipad and transfer. It's totally easy, and can accommodate octaves, chords and ornaments. Can't endorse it highly enough!
  3. The second part went up a couple of days ago. As you mentioned though, they'll only up up for a week or so. Thanks again!
  4. This was an extraordinary documentary, thank so very much for posting about it!
  5. I played the Bb/F on Saturday night after the Crawford/Vallely concert. It's really stunning to look at, the art deco design is just gorgeous. The size is perfect for someone with really small hands like myself. Picking up my instrument was like going back to your mini-van after driving a sports car, lol. I thought the sound was really lovely as well. It still shocks me every time I play another type of concertina, how vastly different the sounds can be, after playing my honky Jeffries, but I liked it. A wonderful instrument, and I'm so glad I got the chance to play it.
  6. Less than three weeks to go until the Mulcahy Family comes to Los Angeles for the first time for the California Traditional Music Society's Equinox Festival - September 10-11th. There will be workshops, concerts and sessions. If you're anywhere on the west coast, don't miss this incredible event. Michelle will be teaching a concertina workshop. We're still in shock, quite frankly, but couldn't be more excited! www.ctmsfolkmusic.org/equinox for more details
  7. Hi Patrick, I'm in Playa del Rey as well. Now that's a small world, and Playa is a small town. lol. I sent you a message.
  8. Yes, the Dipper restored Jeffries sold for US 12,000. It in fact was not tuned up from ab/eb. I think at the time it was probably the highest price for an ebay sale. It's a wonderful instrument and my pride and joy here in Los Angeles. Some people wondered what would make a new player like myself pay that kind of price. After a relapse - after 2 1/2 years of chemotherapy my family asked me what I wanted, and the Jeffries was it. When I was too sick to get out of bed, it sat at my side where I could touch it. It was a reminder that I still had something to strive for. A year later, I'm proud to say I'm still here, and will be playing the Jeffries onstage with Dr. Mick Maloney and my band the Sweet Set St. Patrick's week!
  9. Hi Lawrence, There are several sessions going, depending on what days you'll be in the L.A. area. Right next to Marina del Rey is the Sunday 4-7pm session at Finn McCool's pub in Santa Monica (just a couple of miles away). Also on Thursday night is Casey's in downtown Los Angeles, 3rd st. 7-11ish. In North Hollywood the Celtic Arts Center session is Monday nights 9-11ish. Also on Sundays is the Auld Dubliner in Long Beach, 4-7. Funny enough, I'm actually in Marina del Rey, drop me an email if you like, I can give you more specifics, there are lots of rabid musicians around here to play tunes with! LeeAnn lawhistle_at_yahoo_dot_com
  10. Thanks Daniel for the useful advice. I'm in Los Angeles.
  11. On the ebay site someone asked the seller about the accidental row on the right hand side... E/F, A/A#, C#/D#, A/G, G#/A#? Isn't this unusual? How easy would it be to change?
  12. Hi, If you needed a couple of accidental keys switched around for a Jefferies C/G anglo, does anyone have any suggestions for somewhere local to California? Thanks
  13. So, I'm just months into the concertina and I'm facing a crisis. Fingering methods. How many are there exactly? I learned the basics of the Niall Vallely cd-rom tutorial and then discovered that the only really good concertina player/teacher in my area plays in the Noel Hill fingering style. I then, to make things more complicated, signed up for a week long course with an instructor that uses "general jeffries c/g fingering"?? And lastly, I would like to add, that through all this confusion, I just want to play like Mairead Hurley. Really badly. Who I believe was taught by Micheal O'Raghallaigh. Any idea what fingering she or he uses? How about my other favorite players like Edel Fox? Any suggestions on which route to take from here?
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