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The Dipper Shantyman has returned....

Ed Stander

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Folks (and ladies):

I've relisted my Dipper concertina in the hopes that it might find a new home despite the mess our government and financial institutions have made of the the world. It is the last Anglo concertina that I have, and is certainly one of the nicest, both in terms of playability and tonality. I'd prefer that it go to a real home. where someone will squeeze the life out of it, and would be willing to accept reasonable offers to that effect - at least until someone actually bids on it...

Beyond that - please don't become embroiled in a discussion of pricing - you can't really own such a fine instrument anyway. They are made to play, bring enjoyment to others, and then pass on to the next generation.

This one will soon become a college education for a son who will, hopefully, find me a proper nursing home when the time comes. What more can one ask of an instrument? Best - Ed




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Sorry, Ken - and yes it is a C/G. The listing is:




Best - Ed


I've located the note layout from the original sale listing on c.net:


Left Hand:


F/E A#/A d#/c# g/a a#/g#


G/C B/G d/c f/e a/g c#/f#


A/B f#/d a/g c'/b e'/d' c#'/f#'






Right Hand:


c#/c# g/a a#/g# d#'/c#' f'/a'


a/g b/c' d'/e' f'/g' a'/c" b"/e"


d#/f f#/g a/b c'/d' e'/g' f'/b'




Best - Ed

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This one will soon become a college education for a son who will, hopefully, find me a proper nursing home when the time comes. What more can one ask of an instrument? Best - Ed


Personally? I'd rather ask it stayed with me so I could keep playing it. Including painfully in the nursing home.

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This one will soon become a college education for a son who will, hopefully, find me a proper nursing home when the time comes. What more can one ask of an instrument?


I've said this before and I'll say it again. Don't sell the concertina, sell the son. Have some sense of proportion!



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When I try the link it comes up with the comment that the bidding has ended. I assume this means the instrument has been sold...?


Bruce, I think the $9,500 bid was the "Buy Now" bid. So, I'm pretty sure that Ed got the original asking price he posted on c.net awhile back.


Just goes to show that there still is a market for the higher price....well, at least on e-bay.


Congrats Ed, with college expenses continually on the rise, you will certainly need the extra money. I hope that you will at least be able to pick up something with in reason so that you can continue to play.

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Thanks Steve, for the best wishes...

I'm happy to say that I'm not Concertinaless (Is this a word? It should be despite what Bill Gates says...). I have a wonderful Jeffries Duet in F/Bb that is dying for a squeeze even as I write...

If that one ever goes for sale, please have a talk with my next of kin.

Best - Ed

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