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Edinburgh Calling

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Newish Player here in Edinburgh and looking for other players that would be interested in getting together for jam and fun as well as helping each other out. Please let me know who is interested.


Also i have taken the Pdf of Sedgwick's work and cleaned it up and reformatted it back to a pdf and need to know who i could get it to to load it up to one of the website so that people could download it for use.



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You could do worse than come up to Aberdeen for the Button Box & Moothies Freed Reed Convention on the October 26th - 28th weekend (come on, it's not that far really).


As reported elsewhere, we've got Mary MacNamara, Vic Gammon, Simon Thoumire, Robert Harbron, Stuart Eydmann and Frances Wilkins from the concertina world (as well as local players and guests and a whole bunch of other non-piano accordion free reed players/instruments.


Alex West

(Somewhere in Aberdeen)

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Newish Player here in Edinburgh and looking for other players that would be interested in getting together for jam and fun as well as helping each other out. Please let me know who is interested.

I live just outside Edinburgh (but work in the city)

I play Scottish tunes (on English concertina).

Perhaps we could arrange to meet.

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