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Farewell To Stromness

stuart estell

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If anyone's interested, I've just put up an arrangement of Peter Maxwell-Davies's "Farewell To Stromness" on our website. The arrangement is specifically for Jeffries Duet, but should work OK on other systems too, hopefully - as I've put on the site, it looks like it should work fine on Maccann (though I haven't tried it), but can't vouch for other systems! :)


The arrangement is available here.


I've been extremely sparing in notation of dynamics, etc., just giving a bare framework for interpretation.


Hope this is of interest...




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Thanks, Stuart. I've downloaded your score and I'll see what I can do with it on the Hayden.
Three and a half hours later:


OK, I've had a go at it. First, I transcribed it onto my computer and noticed three things:

  • I assume there should be a "fine" at the end of measure 12.
  • The high E in measure 10 is beyond the range of the standard 46-key Hayden. If I am going to learn this tune, I will take it down a whole step to C major.
  • The ends of measures 6 and 8 contain parallel 5ths and octaves (D to E in the melody against G/D to A/E in the left hand) that I find grating. I have gotten used to 5ths like that in the left hand when I'm playing the Hayden and it doesn't bother me so much anymore (measure 13 and following, for instance, but notice that the melody goes up when the 5ths go down and vice versa). But when the 5ths are in the melody, I try to look for alternatives. Stuart, is this voice leading in the original?

Then I picked up my instrument (46-key Hayden duet) and had a go. I found "the two-part right-hand bits" in measures 9 - 11 awkward but doable, requiring double duty from some fingers. However, the right hand of measure 12 is, as far as I can tell, unplayable as written on the Hayden (in D or C). There just doesn't seem to be a finger available to play the A after the triplet in the middle line. Maybe someone else will find a soulution that eludes me.


It's a nice tune and a nice arrangement. I wish you and others well with it. If I end up adapting it for Hayden, however, I suspect it will wind up being rather different.

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Three and a half hours later:

OK, I've had a go at it. First, I transcribed it onto my computer and noticed three things:

I assume there should be a "fine" at the end of measure 12.

Yep. I'm quite lazy about remembering to put those sorts of directions in :rolleyes:


The ends of measures 6 and 8 contain parallel 5ths and octaves (D to E in the melody against G/D to A/E in the left hand) that I find grating. I have gotten used to 5ths like that in the left hand when I'm playing the Hayden and it doesn't bother me so much anymore (measure 13 and following, for instance, but notice that the melody goes up when the 5ths go down and vice versa). But when the 5ths are in the melody, I try to look for alternatives. Stuart, is this voice leading in the original?


Yes; to be honest I haven't really done all that much to it. It's less of an arrangement and more of a transcription and adaptation I suppose. I've stayed pretty faithful to the guitar recording I've got.


It's a nice tune and a nice arrangement. I wish you and others well with it. If I end up adapting it for Hayden, however, I suspect it will wind up being rather different.


If you do, I'd be interested in seeing notation for the end result - it'd be an interesting comparison to make between the two keyboard systems.


Thanks for road-testing it for the Hayden David!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a really great tune,Ive been playing it on English for about 10 years and it has given me a lot of satisfaction.I'm pleased that I got the key right,not bad for a listener.

Well done Stuart for doing the deed and bringing it out of the closet.Now we've got the dots we might get the rest of our Sqeezing Group to play it

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