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Ebay Wheatstone Scam


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I've definitely seen this instrument on eBay before. High start value, no PayPal and no feedback. I'll hold off on reporting it until someone can confirm it's a scam.


Hi I'm thinking along the line that it didn't sell last time for High start value. "Short term memory" and me are the worst two combinations. It's supposed to be the second thing that goes. I don't remember what the first is. :(


It looks familiar and what I recognise are wrist straps on an English from Canada. I think the previous auction closed within the past week. I hope this jogs somebody else to remember more.




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I've definitely seen this instrument on eBay before. High start value, no PayPal and no feedback. I'll hold off on reporting it until someone can confirm it's a scam.

You have seen it before: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=190028274315, but that was the original auction by the same vendor and it was unsold, probably because of the factors you mention. It's just been relisted by the same seller.

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  • 2 weeks later...
................... but hopefully nobody will be bidding on this anyway due to the ridiculous price tag.


That happened. At 16:30 28 Sept. noticed auction was closed this morning with nobody bidding.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't imagine anybody actually paying that much for anything sold by an auctioner with zero feedback. That tells me this person has never sold or bought anything at Ebay.


I never buy anything from a seller with zero sales, let some other fool loose his hard earned cash. Although I admit you have to start somewhere, a 4K price tag is certainly one giant leap.

Edited by Hooves
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I can't imagine anybody actually paying that much for anything sold by an auctioner with zero feedback. That tells me this person has never sold or bought anything at Ebay.


I never buy anything from a seller with zero sales, let some other fool loose his hard earned cash. Although I admit you have to start somewhere, a 4K price tag is certainly one giant leap.

Well I think that's not really fair, everyone starts with zero feedback after all; how are you supposed to generate feedback before buying and selling things?


Of course, for something with that kind of price tag I'd want some assurance that I was dealing with a legitimate, honest person. I'm not sure that Ebay feedback would really be enough for any large-ticket item like a concertina.


The instrument itself looks quite nice, though I think it's more than what the really top Englishes go for. But I could be wrong! I know very little about them. It does look like the seller doesn't know much about concertinas though, given the paucity of information he provides. Maybe he just looked at what top "Wheatstones" were going for and priced this instrument based on the apparent good condition.

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Well I think that's not really fair, everyone starts with zero feedback after all; how are you supposed to generate feedback before buying and selling things?



Yes, you got to start somewhere. But with all the scams going on the Ebay feedback is your only way to filter out possible scams. A person with a 1000 sales could also rip you off, so even that is not always an adequate gauge.


My Ebay account got hacked, and the bastard ran an auction under my account to sell "motorcycle parts". I had to talk to an eBay employee on the phone to get my account reactivated. Fortunately, they had caught the auction (they sent me an email asking me to validate my account) and ended it.


As for me, no way would I buy something on eBay for 4K. In person perhaps, but not all the way across the world from someone who has no history of selling. I see lots of items go up on eBay for large starting prices. I can't imagine why if an item is worth that much you would choose eBay as the forum to sell it. How did people sell thier instruments before eBay?


Ebay is convienent with a broad audience so I can see the usefulness of selling in that forum.


But if you got 4K burning a hole in your pocket, and you trust some ad that shows up online, then hey its your money, do what you want with it.

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Determined again shows up to close 19 October. Same $4000 (US) start price:


Ended again today (19 Oct.) No bids. Wanna bet it shows up again????? :unsure:

Maybe he'll lower his/her price a little. This is the 4th time since early Sept.




Edited by Leo
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Determined again shows up to close 19 October. Same $4000 (US) start price:


Ended again today (19 Oct.) No bids. Wanna bet it shows up again????? :unsure:

Maybe he'll lower his/her price a little. This is the 4th time since early Sept.






No, he'll probably increase his start price to cover his listing fees.... B)

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Guest Old Leaky

Don't get hung up on feedback scores on eBay. Yes, everyone starts with zero but positive feedback ratings can be quickly built up by buying/selling daft little things like biros, cotton buds, razor blades etc. That's how genuine people do it, as well as the scamsters! :ph34r:

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