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fixing wooden grip

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Does anyone know if I can disassemble my stagi concertina hayden duet, more than I have done now, to tighten het wooden grip from the inside with an extra screw?

I see some little screws but I don't know If the concertina falls apart so that I can't assemble it anymore.

Does someone have any experience with a stagi concertina like mine?


Best regards,


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It looks a bit like the inside of a Stagi Anglo that I once owned and the two tiny cross headed screws at the outer edges of the reed pan hold the reed pan/action board/button array to the inside of the wooden end - if you get my drift.


So, remove those two screws and carefully pull out the insides while holding the end and the whole mechanism should come out relatively easily - it might need a bit of wiggling but no wrenching.


If that does not work then maybe you need to remove the middle screw as well.


Once you have done whatever it is that you plan to do then you have the tricky job of fitting the end back over the buttons and the action mechanism.  Stagi buttons tend to flop over making getting them all back into their holes at the same time quite tricky. 


If you have this problem then there are two aproaches to solving it.


You can try holding the action board with the buttons hanging down beneath it and then try fitting the end up over the buttons.  Or you can try it the other way around (buttons upright) and use a long, thin stick like a kebab skewer to poke any errant buttons back into place.  Either way will take a lot of patience.  I found cursing helped as well.


While you have it apart, would you please take a photo(s) of the action mechanism (the buttons and levers) on the other side of bit that you are pulling out.  I am interested in how they made it and have never seen the insides of a Stagi Hayden action mechanism.

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You can try holding the action board with the buttons hanging down beneath it and then try fitting the end up over the buttons.  Or you can try it the other way around (buttons upright) and use a long, thin stick like a kebab skewer to poke any errant buttons back into place.  Either way will take a lot of patience.  I found cursing helped as well.

I also agree with this method.
When you turn the end and action board upside down and put the button in the hole, you can see the gap where the skewer is inserted by shining light from the bottom.

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