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About Dieppe

  • Birthday 01/02/1970

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    Dieppe 101
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  • Interests
    English Concertina, motorcycles, piano accordion, SCA, harmonicas.
  • Location
    Hawthorne, California

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Chatty concertinist

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  1. How is the volume compared a Model 22? I've been looking for something similar, but might actually like the extra buttons.
  2. It's been a while since I posted here. So for the past few years I've been playing "professionally". (That is I play for money... even if, uh, not very much.) Lately I've been using my Stagi, that is louder than my Wheatstone treble and Wheatstone baritone. Also, I didn't have qualms about drilling a hole in it to install a pickup on each side. (Had to very carefully find the place to drill, and it works great if a bit sensitive.) Recently I heard a friend's Wheatstone Model 22, and the volume and crispness was just amazing. So now I'm on a quest to find one. (Or a recommended equivalent?) Honestly I like the original Wheatstone concertinas though, because there's something about playing history. So, if anyone has an idea of one that might be on the market, or go on the market, or anything out there. Please drop me a line! Patrick
  3. I absolutely think that's it! Thank you! Patrick
  4. Hah, I responded in that thread back in 2013! So much has changed since then! I remember looking for the PDF files a few years back without success, so figured I'd just ask here as the quickest way. The pages I'd printed out have become unusable, so it's like.. time to look for them again! Patrick
  5. A few years ago Juliette Daum had made available some PDF file of 1800s concertina transcriptions of a lot of songs. Does anyone know where I can find those? Patrick
  6. Thanks, Fane! Yeah, a $1,000 battery powered amp is out of my price range, and more than I'll be making with the band anyway. A buddy gave me a Squier SP10 amp, evidently they are cheap, that I can use where there's electricity. Playing with the amp, and sound from the concertina itself, the band had to ask me to turn it down but even on top volume it wasn't too overpowering. Just gotta find a battery one for when we play and there's no electricity. I've seen these Pignose? ones. Anyone have thoughts on that? Patrick
  7. I play in a band (videos provided if desired), and with the drums, the bass, the guitar, and the accordion it's hard to be loud enough. I switched to playing my niece's Stagi (previously mine, but on temporarily loan back to me), so that I can get some sound. But now, I've purchased the Feather-2 Meyers PIckups mic, and those seem to work just fine. BUT NOW, I need a portable amp. And one that runs off battery, as I play with my band in places without electricity. Any suggestions? I know there's a bunch out there, but any experience with them out there? -Patrick
  8. Al, someone put that book together in 1886... I'm sure any delay you have from moving won't really affect it much. But yes, Project Gutenberg would be a good idea too, but I wouldn't know how to do that. Some of the scans I'd seen needed to have a bit better contrast on the scans (no complaints, just an observation), and could probably stand to be rescanned. I would say a PDF of images would be a good distribution method, on the other hand a person might like to just print out a page or two that they found interesting. So, I dunno. Carry on with your moving, and we'll see you on the flip side of it!
  9. Thanks Alan! Take your time, as personally I did find the piece I wanted. It would be nice to have better scans in a PDF file of sorts. If they can all be put together, can they be distributed as a free ebook on Amazon or something? Now that would be interesting... Or even a $1 ebook?
  10. Never mind, I did find it here. Thanks folks! "Turkish Music" was the tune I was looking for. http://www.concertina.org/2011/04/08/the-concertina-book-of-music/ Patrick
  11. Would anyone happen to have the table of contents of the songs that were scanned? There's a piece I've been trying to remember, but I don't have the original files anymore. Does anyone happen to have the files from this? Patrick
  12. Resurrecting up an old topic, but would anybody happen to know where these pages are available today? There's one song I was looking for, but I've lost my printout and can't remember the name of the piece. Many thanks! Patrick
  13. I don't need another instrument, actually just got rid of two of them that I never play! Beautiful instrument, thanks! Patrick
  14. Is it still for sale? What color are the ends, and how used is it? Patrick
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