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Everything posted by 4to5to6

  1. Awesome! I’ll be the first in line!!! Thanks. Ok, 2nd in line…. Morgana is 1st
  2. Hi Alex, Is this it: https://www.conservationresources.com/shop/archival-storage-supplies/hi-tack-fish-glue/ Very interesting. A cold-set fish glue!
  3. Hi Steve, I don’t think you will beat modern PVA glue. It gets tacky at just the right time, glues leather perfectly, remains flexible and the excess is easy to clean off. If you want to bump it up a notch, use a PVA white glue that is pH neutral. .
  4. The musical teapot is hilarious but I like the musical brush shown in the article even better. A stealth instrument! I could see using parts from a duet concertina and then blowing through the spout to make the reeds sound. The predecessor of the concertina was the symphonium, a reed instrument blown by the mouth. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/502652
  5. Original pads, new valves, tuned to A440 and voiced. I’ve come to realize that it’s mainly about the quality of the reeds and how the concertina has been stored (cared for) over its life. This one started out as a “best of the best” 12 guinea Wheatstone. Emily Bulteel was a student of Richard Blagrove. Even the almost 170 year old case is nearly mint. Most of these hex cases have fallen apart by now. I brought the bellows back to full life with some Connolly Hide Care. I don’t know who tuned it to A440 but the steel reed profiles look great. It has the original leather bellows so a bit of a subdued sound and super expressive and responsive with amazing dynamics. It is my favourite at home, in the evening, concertina 2nd only to my golden era 31xxx amboyna TT that cost me over 20 times as much! I’ll get a few photo of it on here soon. Another interesting feature is that it only has a 5-fold bellows but the folds are very deep so it opens up a lot more than expected; I never run out of air. .
  6. I’ll add a photo here later but I picked up one of these 12 guinea models in near mint condition with a mint condition case for next to nothing. It has become one of my absolute favourite concertinas: quite but super responsive with a large dynamic range . 7573 serial from 1856 is sandwiched between Regondi and Blagrove. I feel very privileged to be its custodian.
  7. Almost all of the old original tutors are available in the British Library archives. I understand that at one time, a copy of each book published was required to be sent to the British Library. Many of these have already been scanned or can get scanned on request. This also applied to published music scores. There is a fee for this service but found them very good to get along with. https://explore.bl.uk/ I’m a big fan of Richard Blagrove and found his 1864 tutor at the British Library along with a few other rare ones. https://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/display.do?tabs=moreTab&ct=display&fn=search&doc=BLL01004221696&indx=17&recIds=BLL01004221696&recIdxs=6&elementId=6&renderMode=poppedOut&displayMode=full&frbrVersion=&frbg=&dscnt=0&scp.scps=scope%3A(BLCONTENT)&tb=t&mode=Basic&vid=BLVU1&vl(297891280UI0)=any&srt=rank&tab=local_tab&dum=true&vl(freeText0)=Richard Blagrove concertina&dstmp=1697438988004 .
  8. I’m an English player but did start out on a Crane Duet. I’m curious… what is the size (across the flats)? Gorgeous engraving!
  9. Still searching. Thank you to those who have been kind enough to reply.
  10. BV - Bowing valve DV - Double valve SV - Single Valve (Slide Valve) KV - Key Valve it’s interesting to note that the fretwork of most SV concertinas also has the small SV cutout on the opposite side (both sides) wether it is used or not. Has anyone ever been able to “bow” their concertina? I’ve read the patent but it seems more of a marketing gimmick than something usable. I tend to prefer KV on the English but SV has never been a deal breaker. .
  11. If you don't ask, you won't receive... Wanted to purchase: Wheatstone Aeola 56 key, Tenor Treble English concertina, ebony ended (EE). TT, model 19, C to C, 31xxx serial number (1926 to 1928), clean inside, well taken care of, original leather case. Please message me and let me know what you have or message me (PM me) if you see or hear of one for sale. I will be more than happy to make a significant donation to concertina.net if my dream TT is found through this site. .
  12. My first impression is a Wheastone extended treble Aeola not earlier than 1927 as Stephen said. Best wishes in finding one. Do you have any recordings of them playing together?
  13. Has anyone done this repair in the past? What glue mixture did you use?
  14. The English is chromatic while the Anglo is diatonic. I really don’t see the difference between an Anglo and English as far as articulation. Both have a bellows. Both have their challenges. I think the real difference is that an Anglo is diatonic just like the Irish whistle which is absolutely awesome if you play in just a couple of keys. If you want to duplicate a diatonic instrument, then use another diatonic instrument. The same with playing in modal music… you can’t beat a diatonic instrument. However, if you want to play classical music or violin music, etc. then the English will shine. The English is chromatic while the Anglo is diatonic. That’s how I see it although the flight of the bumble bee (chromatic piece) has been successfully played on both. I personally warm up my English each day by running up and down the chromatic scale a few times and playing all keys up to 4 sharps and flats around the circle of fifths up and down. I really should also do Regondi’s golden exercise which is basically harmonizing all keys with arpeggios going up one semitone at a time. No one instrument is “better”! One is just a little better suited to a particular style / genre.
  15. Thanks Chris. Please point me to where the photos are posted.
  16. Seems to be hide glue mixed with a red dye. It's interesting to see how different torts look. I am not a big fan of this red look but my wife loves it! I am 90% sure that this one is not hawksbill turtle shell but it was a challenge to tell the difference (I have some genuine hawksbill to compare it with). Even burn test was not conclusive. It "somewhat" smelled like hair but not as strong and smoldered, rather than melted similar to real shell... close to real shell but not conclusive either way. The real turtle shell has a very strong burnt hair smell but this one didn't smell like plastic, unless maybe Bakelite, thermosetting plastic. Next test is under the microscope as real tort pigment looks like tiny dots.
  17. Very nice Fred! I also do anything and everything it takes to make it "swing"! It is dance music after all. Bellows direction changes has a distinct sound or "articulation". I shake it, bump it :), pop the notes... Not every instrument can do a dynamic swell. I see the points about the wrist straps but find them quite restrictive when playing harmony notes. Interesting concertina with some high note buttons missing.
  18. Did Wheatstone ever make white concertinas? I'm curious about this one... I've seen photos of gold, red and even yellow ones over the years... Please examine the photos. This is an early 20s Aeola English Baritone Treble. It appears to be a 56 key model but there is no model number in the ledger, only "N.P. octo Bar Treb". In my limited experience this would possibly make it a "special" but nothing seems to be unusual. Then I thought about the finish... I've never seen an undercoating like this before as can be seen where the finish is worn through and this appears to be factory original... could this BT possibly have been white originally then later redone over in black? Interesting! Bellows is black all the way through and nearly perfect so it could have possibly been changed from white to black at one point in the last 100 years.
  19. Still available for trade or for sale if anyone is interested. Free shipping in Canada and the Lower 48. Make me a fair offer.
  20. On the English Tenor Treble... Written by Scott Joplin, but the arrangement here (missing a couple of sections!) is based on one for guitar in "Folk-Country-Evergreens" by Karl Bruckner - now out of print I think, but there's a new/expanded version "Folk, Rags & Spirituals": Easy arrangements for Guitar which I assume is basically the same. About half the pieces in that book can be played (with adjustments) on English concertina and work pretty well.
  21. I'll flake some off and do some experiments on it. Good idea.
  22. What make of concertina is this?
  23. Does anyone know what type of reddish glue Wheatstone used to glue on their shell / tortoiseshell laminate? It's interesting that the reddish color of the tort on this mid 30s Aeola is actually caused by the red glue coloring the underside of the clear parts of the laminate. Any thoughts on reproducing this thick colored glue mixture?
  24. Awesome playing! Good luck with your sale.
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