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Everything posted by voyager

  1. This time me playing mistake near end three PDF's in three keys Insert other media.url Silent Night C.pdf Silent Night D.pdf Silent Night G.pdf
  2. Mathahg & Lachenal To try and answer both your comments I give below the exact method I have used. I use Audacity to make a audio recording playing my Lachenal 56 Button New Model Extended Treble English Conertina, once I have done the recording I "try" to clean up the recording. I then export that audio as a midi file. I then use Notation Software Composer Version for Windows to turn the midi into a readable "normal" tune sheet, then use a facility to insert the note key into the note-heads. Then merely export finished file as a PDF. For Lachenal we did have a great Market in Bolton until the council closed the bus station next to it (to sell the land) who would trust any politician. Regards Dave
  3. Another tune with video and PDF Any comments or suggestions welcome, we are all still learning The Dark Island.pdf
  4. The way I produce the pdf music is quite simple, I choose a tune from abc or other source, turn the music into a midi file, then import into a US composer program which I bought years ago and load the midi and manipulate the score, one option is to "show pitch in notedheads" it also allow me to resize the notes to whatever size I wish so I try to just fill an A4 page. Print out as a PDF. The company in the US closed after the early death of the designer some years ago, but was later bought by a German Company, they still offer the program, but now can only support Windows, it does not appear to work on IOS any longer. I can give you full details if you pm me I have the windows version and have no problem running with latest version of Win10 I would gladly give you a copy but the way it is set up a none transferable reg key, I cannot even move it from the computer it is on to a newer computer unless I pay for a extra licence. Dave
  5. Below The tune as I recorded and the PDF giving Easy Notes this is my first in trying this, when I have got to grips with the cam-cordeer I hope to video me playing this is aimed at new players and beginners. Any comments very welcome, we are all still learning. In the Bleak Midwinter_new_part.pdf
  6. Hi I have just recorded at tune along with a PDF of the dots. I posted a while ago Xmas Tunes 2 for new players with just the dots and now I am trying to get up to date so this is my first attempt any comments more than welcome so I can alter to suit I use the same dots as before Easy Notes. Hope you like Dave Dark Island,.pdf 01- The Dark Island.mp3
  7. Thanks very much I have now uploaded to PDF Archive abd the download link is: https://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/11/20/xmas-tunes-2/ I think all you do is copy the link and paste in your search engine Best Wishes Dave
  8. Hi again, I have now finished what I hope is the new and improved and larger tune book. It is to big 4Mb to upload to this forum, I have no wish to have a web site, I am not a techno, just a happy squeeze box player. The only way I could of distributing the new version is to just setup a dedicated email address, so if you would like a copy of this newerversion please just email: lachenal1850@gmail.com Just put Xmas Tunes 2 in the subject box and I will send the pdf attachment asap. The attachment will be Xmas Tunes 2.pdf. If anyone has a better way of me putting it out there please let me know. Many thanks and to those using the tune book, please enjoy and hopefully have a happy and tuneful Christmas. Dave
  9. Thanks Vin I have just realised that page three is blank, I forgot to put 48 Button English & 30 Button CG Anglo layouts on the page.. I have also noticed that the upload is limited to 1.9Mb so if anybody wants a copy or requests other tunes sent I'm sure that I can email to any person who requires one - just ask The tunes are taken from various sources but used as midi files in my program, its quicker and it gives me more control over the look and feel. Dave
  10. Hi all I have been messing about with a couple of tunes in a small pdf booklet. Please have a look and let me know if you think they could be useful to new player or those who are trying to learn the dots Many thanks in advance, if the view is favourable I would produce a larger version before the end of the month. Yours still squeezing! Dave XMAS 1.pdf
  11. Many thanks for the advice Given the various methods I have tried a "heath Robinson" approach, an old electric toothbrush with toothpaste sold as suitable for sensetive teeth, It works and all I have to do now is the other 29 buttons Again Many thanks Dave
  12. Hi all Ive just aquired a Lachenal 30 Button C/G Anglo with White Bone Buttons, but they look a little tired and dirty, not sure what to use I don't want to risk damage to them so will wait for advice from here. Many thanks in advance Dave
  13. Hi Some nice thoughts from different people, I am in uk and also like to record both my EC and Melodeon, I use Audacity "which is freeware" and great @I don't have to sit in the hall to records@ it has all the effectS that you could wanr, Echo Reverb ect., and all recorded on a cheap "supermarket microphone - Tescos/Walmart Technika Mike with foam hood £3.99 "about $4.00 I guess" plugs into mike socket on my PC, I have used a couple of expensive "pro" mike but they were "crap" this setup does actually give me a true sound to my Brass Reeded EC , save and then export as MP3 and copy to CD welcome to my new album. It does not have to be expensive equipment, because people want to hear the music and the sound, not how difficult or how much it cost to produce. Regards to all, hey hope your all getting ready for your Xmas Albums Regards Dave
  14. Thanks to all for replies and advice, I have locate one near where I live, after looking everywhere else. So many thanks to all, will keep U all updated on my latest challenge Regards Dave
  15. Hi I am looking for a Elise Hayden Duet, have looked on the UK sellers web site's but no searches have produced anything, is there one out there available for sale in the UK ? Thanks Dave
  16. Great Idea, I have been messing about with notation for newbies and attached PDF for you to look at. I am aware that there is NO Key signature, but have found out if a person is very new to music, less is sometimes best, and the accidentals are shown on this method I hope that it may give you a different view point, as I was a little thrown with the tabs, could be I'm wrong but any tool which helps promote "reading the dots" in theory be better for the person in the long run? Best wishes and regards to Lester. Dave Albury-signed.pdf
  17. Welcome Rich, as you are CofE Minister try having a look at Paul Hardy's Xmas Tune Book, good Carols, which I use for busking for Charity at Xmas for Save The Children. Poster provided by them My Words. "For the price of a drink - you could Save a Childs Life" Try it it works ! Regards DaveJ
  18. Hi all. I have found one answer which works for me, maybye not for all, but a reading glasses cord with two eyed elastic eyes attached from "Home & Bargain" or other type Pound Shops in UK approx 99p work well, and if they get broken, just replace them. It does help if you a a good coller on a jumper or shhirt, otherwise find a "weaver" you could make a hollow sleeve for you !. Regards Dave
  19. Hi Like yu I started with a cheapo chinese box to learn on, it was not so good but enabled me to get the basics, I then with a little trepedation went to a monthly slow and easy session, I was made most welcome and looked with envey at the Wheatstones and Lachenalls. I am now the owner of a circa 1850 48 Button Lachenal with original brass reed which I love to bits. Hope what you find under the xmas tree is what you want. You will find you neew box is so much faster that you previous one and believe me this will help improve yur playing no end Happy Christmas & Peaceful New Year Voyager
  20. Tried to email the email to send info and other info but you have given a email address, which unfortunately it would appear to be "not real"
  21. Hi I have both tutors for English & Anglo produced by the Salvation Army if thet are any use to you I can send you PDF's of the books. Another place which I found useful was the archives of the Sally Army in Canada, I I can help further pls ask David
  22. Hi Attached the only Bulwers No 5 I can find in ABC I cannot vouch for the correctness as I do not know the tune. Hope this is of use . X:1 T:Walter bulwer's polka no. 5 M:3/4 L:1/8 K:C d>e dB GB | dg eg eg | d2 B2 c>B | ce dB G>B | A>B A>B AB | c^c d>e dB | GB dg eg | eg d2 B2 | c>B ce dB | GB AD E^F | G2 G2 d>e | dB GB dg | eg eg d2 | B2 c>B ce | dB G>B A>B | A>B AB c^c | d>e dB GB | dg eg eg | d2 B2 c>B | ce dB GB | AD E^F G2 | g2 e2 e2 | e2 e2 eg | ag ec Gc | Bc f>g f>g | f>g f>g ba | gf d2 ^d2 | e2 e2 e2 | eg ag ec | Gc Bc f>g | f>g f>g fA | G^G AB c2 | c2 e2 e2 | e2 e2 eg | ag ec Gc | Bc f>g f>g | f>g f>g ba | gf d2 ^d2 | e2 e2 e2 | eg ag ec | Gc Bc f>g | f>g f>g fA | G^G AB c2 | c2 | Regards voyager
  23. Hi Al Please find attached what I think you are looking for MP3 Walter Bulwers No5 PDF Easy Notes Walter Buwmers No 5 I convert a lot of stuff to easy notes because I my age I need all the help I can get. If you want anything doing just email me the ABC version and I'll convert it for you. Regards Voyager Walter Bulwer's Polka No.pdf Walter Bulwer's Polka No. 5 - Copy.mp3
  24. Thanks for the comment, I you want any of the software used please email me Regards Voyager
  25. Sailor I hope my fist reply made sense, this time Ive attached "Augusta's Favourite" Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, which is one I gave to the Teacher This time the F sharps are meant to be seen If you require any more info please email me I will share all I've got on the software and music file side. Regards Voyager twinkle-twinkle-little-star.pdf
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