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Hello all! stumbled across this site in my search to find aid in my quest to become a concertina player.


I am new to the instrument, but not new to music. I have played piano for over 15 years, guitar for about 5, dabbled in melodicas and ukuleles here and there. I first thought of purchasing a concertina when I tried melodica -- The melodica has sort of a similar sound, as it too requires air, but doesn't have quite the sound and feel I wanted.


Anyway, I have been browsing the posts and have found quite a bunch of helpful information already!

I just got my Hohner last week, and I've already had amazing fun. It is easier than I though it was to work, but a little tricky working out which notes are which so far, but I think I'll get used to it soon.


:lol: I just wanted to say hello! and I am glad to be part of this online community!





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Morning Julia; what sort of music do you favour?


I am very ecclectic in musical tastes, seeing as my music history has spanned from classical piano training being a fan of a lot of local, national (US) and international indie artists. And I admit (a little blushingly) that I have recently become interested in traditional Irish music -- my boyfriend being American of Irish descent (he's the kind that doesn't really know a lot about or isn't really in touch with his Irish culture/history, but it interests him -- he recently broke into his appropriation of a "jig" at walmart when we passed the music section and there were samples of music you could play when you pressed buttons) -- that sort of thing. :)


But I also admit that my interest in the concertina also stems from thinking it could be a wonderfully cool addition/sound to the little music project my boyfriend and I sometimes dabble with.


I don't know if people consider the presence of the concertina in modern music to be an abhorrence :P, but we like different sounds, and I think if all works out well with my learning, we could integrate it in to his songs :)


which would be interesting.


his music page is




but yeah. that was a pretty long answer for "what sort of music do I favor.." lol



sorry :)


noob excitement.

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Morning Julia; what sort of music do you favour?


I am very ecclectic in musical tastes, seeing as my music history has spanned from classical piano training being a fan of a lot of local, national (US) and international indie artists. And I admit (a little blushingly) that I have recently become interested in traditional Irish music -- my boyfriend being American of Irish descent (he's the kind that doesn't really know a lot about or isn't really in touch with his Irish culture/history, but it interests him -- he recently broke into his appropriation of a "jig" at walmart when we passed the music section and there were samples of music you could play when you pressed buttons) -- that sort of thing. :)


But I also admit that my interest in the concertina also stems from thinking it could be a wonderfully cool addition/sound to the little music project my boyfriend and I sometimes dabble with.


I don't know if people consider the presence of the concertina in modern music to be an abhorrence :P, but we like different sounds, and I think if all works out well with my learning, we could integrate it in to his songs :)


which would be interesting.


his music page is




but yeah. that was a pretty long answer for "what sort of music do I favor.." lol



sorry :)


noob excitement.



No need to blush because you fancy playing Irish music, there would be many on this forum with red cheeks if it were so (including myself).

I like to hear concertina's in as much different kinds of music as possible, ''modern'' (whatever that may be) included.

Also no need for excuses because you think your answer was long (it wasn't). You should see some of the posts of the more ''experienced'' concertina.net members with hundreds or even thousands of posts (many much much longer than yours, and sometimes not even concertina related). They never excuse themselves! :lol:

P.S. what is noob excitement?

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Welcome! I'm new to concertinas too, I just started on the EC in April, with a violin/fiddle background. I love it, and I've been playing lots of Irish tunes.

That sounds funny, the dancing in WalMart-- jigs are great fun. I can sort-of-kind-of-almost do one, but I've found I'm much better on the music end, I can easily leave the dancing to more graceful people!


P.S. what is noob excitement?


It's a shortening of "newbie," I've seen it spelled with zeros even. (n00b) I'm rather partial to the term "neophyte" myself..... :P

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Welcome! I'm new to concertinas too, I just started on the EC in April, with a violin/fiddle background. I love it, and I've been playing lots of Irish tunes.

That sounds funny, the dancing in WalMart-- jigs are great fun. I can sort-of-kind-of-almost do one, but I've found I'm much better on the music end, I can easily leave the dancing to more graceful people!


P.S. what is noob excitement?


It's a shortening of "newbie," I've seen it spelled with zeros even. (n00b) I'm rather partial to the term "neophyte" myself..... :P



-- noob / n00b / neophyte, lol... whatever you wish to call it :) I was quite giddy joining is all.


Yup it was funny -- the WalMart jigging -- I had to go down the other aisle because I was laughing so hard.



I'm beginning to wonder if I did right buying the cheapish Hohner Anglo that everyone seems to have started off with. I couldn't find any relatively inexpensive chromatic ones. But that would be cheating I guess. I'm sure there's lots I can play on a modal instrument, but I may have to upgrade in the future, because the music my boyfriend writes tends to shift keys a lot... which would be the end goal, ultimately (that and learning an instrument I will hopefully keep up with for life).


Anyways, thanks for the warm welcomes! I've been reading that other post -- the tips for beginners. Quite helpful.



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