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New Foot Bass With My Treble Concertina

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I've been getting in a little practice time with my new foot bass -- which is a totally new instrument for me, too.


So, I have two .mp3 files with the foot bass, both my own songs: 'ThE CrOwS kNoW mE,' and 'Away Today.' Both of these songs are also in my concertina.net tunebook. 'The Crows Know Me' -- the old, first .mp3 (no footbass) is also one of the ones included in my bunch of songs on The Recorded Tunes Link Page.


If you want to hear a real pro playing a foot bass, then do check out the creator's website -- Google 'foot bass' or 'Harry Geuns.' (I'll try to add a link here if I can, but I've had a problem adding links lately, for some reason, probably due to new browser update.)


Anyway, my stuff is easily found at my site briefcase.yahoo.com/bbelletunes -- I'll try to add the new .mp3s here, too. (Note that the 'briefcase' includes .htm and .jpg, too.)


I had a more suitable -- I thought -- bassline for 'Crows' but my feet just didn't want to do it. So, I gave up and just let them do what they wanted to do.


And, of course, my recording and mixing efforts are also of the primitive type!

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Very interesting instrument. I'd read of them some months ago and had thought about getting one, but wasn't sure I could manage the coordination to play an Anglo and a foot bass too. I still have considerable difficulty trying to play an Irish tune and manage my end of a simple conversation. You make it seem easy to play two instruments and sing as well, and the foot bass has a nice sound.


Regarding your posting difficulty comment, I wonder if you've encountered the same problem I did when trying to post a link recently? I clicked on the c.net URL icon when composing the message and a small box popped up saying "You must enter a URL" but there was no place to enter it. After a few minutes of frustration I realized that along with the message box there was also a text line displayed at the top of the browser window saying "This website is using a scripted window to ask you for information. If you trust this website, click here to allow scripted windows..." Clicking on that line of text offered me the option to "temporarily allow scripted windows" and then I was able to use the c.net URL adding function.


I suspect this change in how things work when putting URL's into c.net forum postings is the result of me upgrading (well, at least in theory) to Internet Explorer 7 a few weeks back. Likely there's a place where I can set a default to allow "scripted windows" in IE7, but now that I know what the issue is it only takes a moment to click on the text message and enable them on a per-use basis.

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Thanks for posting the link, Dave!


I'll test things to see if I can 'temporarily allow scripted windows'....etc.. to add a link.


Bruce, yes, I'm sure it's got to do with IE7.


Re the foot bass with an anglo...I've never played an anglo but I don't think I'd want to have to keep track of all those ins-outs-up-downs-etc. all at the same time! But, there are probably people who can do that.


Anyway, I'll test the linking tricks again....

Aha! Yes! Now I can add this link to my website.


-- Funny, I never noticed that information bar thing before!


I added one more file to my songs with foot bass, today.


Today, though, since the weather was so incredibly warm -- VERY unusual for this time of year, here -- we actually sat outside for a while today. So I played my concertina, near the windchime. I was hoping to get a decent duet, since it was pretty quiet here. But, it seemed that every time the wind picked up so that the chime played, some kind of engine or beeping noise was lurking. I ended up with a recording of my windchime, my concertina, and a big orange trash truck. It's in the 'Archive Five' file. Sigh....oh, well.

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