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Ebay 20k Lachenal


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Item number: 110054007253


Here is an interesting 20k at a very nice price. But, looking at the pics I can't help but notice that quite a few of the leather valves are missing. The seller states that "All buttons and reeds play with no problems". Can that be? Also , obviously the reeds are brass, would steel reeds look more silvered color?


There is no such thing as a stupid question. Only stupid people that ask questions.

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There are some decent instruments that appear on ebay. Depending on your needs and intentions some might be worth your serious consideration.


Do you want an instrument that is ready to play? (In tune; no major problems)

Even if you are ebay and concertina saavy these are hard to find at a bargain price. And since many ebay sellers readilly admit they don't know much about the concertina they are selling, inadvertant (and sometimes deliberate) over estimates of the instrument's condition are likely to occur.


It is probably more time and money effecient for you to either contact a dealer or stick with the known quality ebay dealers (cocoa aka Barleycorn). You will pay the going rate, but get an instrument that is in tune and works.


If you want a fixer upper and are willing to pay for tuning and repair and perhaps do some of the work yourself, then that is another matter. Professional repairs can run up the bill in a hurry. $125.00 to tune a 20b; $35.00 for new pads and valves. Bellows work? Replacement?


Not only is it buyer beware but quite difficult to determine accurate condition from photos.


Are you ready for adventure? Possibly expensive adventure, or would you rather spend your time playing and money on more certain quality?


The particular instrument in question may not be a Lachenal at all but a look-a-like made by the mysterious maker known on this forum as Tidder. (Note the low serial # and exagerated gussetts on the bellows)


So keep your eyes open. Watch the auctions and instruments for awhile. Build up your knowledge and figure out how you want to spend your time and money. Many of us have been, and still are, in the same boat as you. We wish you luck.



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I agree and I have contacted Chris at Barleycorn. He is keeping his eye out for something in my budget. But, I do find that a quick education in market value of whats out there is to watch the ebay listings. I have heard about the mystery builder Tidder which just piques my curiosity even more. I wouldnt mind finding a fixer upper just to tinker with myself. but first and foremost I would like a player to replace my Rochelle (which I like but has just whetted my appetite for more!). Hopefully Chris will find something for me. Then next I would like something I can take apart and mess with just to educate myself. Looking at the pictures on ebay and reading the write up's, like the missing valves in this case is just good practice to acquaint myself with what might be a deal or not. trying to train my eye to spott the mistakes or glaring deficiencies.



>>>So keep your eyes open. Watch the auctions and instruments for awhile. Build up your knowledge <<<


Yes, exactly what I'm doing, and gleaning what info I can from here on the board on what I see. I am learning as I go.


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I agree and I have contacted Chris at Barleycorn. He is keeping his eye out for something in my budget. But, I do find that a quick education in market value of whats out there is to watch the ebay listings. I have heard about the mystery builder Tidder which just piques my curiosity even more. I wouldnt mind finding a fixer upper just to tinker with myself. but first and foremost I would like a player to replace my Rochelle (which I like but has just whetted my appetite for more!). Hopefully Chris will find something for me. Then next I would like something I can take apart and mess with just to educate myself. Looking at the pictures on ebay and reading the write up's, like the missing valves in this case is just good practice to acquaint myself with what might be a deal or not. trying to train my eye to spott the mistakes or glaring deficiencies.



>>>So keep your eyes open. Watch the auctions and instruments for awhile. Build up your knowledge <<<


Yes, exactly what I'm doing, and gleaning what info I can from here on the board on what I see. I am learning as I go.



Great Mark! Don't want to discourage you, just want to help you avoid any disappointments that might damp your concertina enthusiasm. Chris Algar really does pay attention to his buyer's needs. He's a great community resource.


You seem to have given your needs and priorities some thought. Keep working on that learning curve and you will have a lot of fun.



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