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Arstotzkan Anthem - Papers, Please (Anglo Concertina)

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Papers, please! Cause no trouble! Glory to Arstotzka!

Game synopsis: "In Papers, Please, the player takes on the role of a border-crossing immigration officer in the fictional dystopian Eastern Bloc–like country of Arstotzka, which has been and continues to be at political hostilities with its neighbouring countries. The game takes place at a migration checkpoint. As the immigration officer, the player must review each immigrant and return citizens' passports and other supporting paperwork against an ever-growing list of rules using a number of tools and guides. Tasks include allowing in those with the proper paperwork while rejecting those without all proper documents, detaining those with falsified information, and balancing personal finances."

A very interesting game; trying to balance following the law with paying your families expenses, trying to help those in need, potentially letting in criminals if it means your family can survive another day, and avoiding the jackboot of the government. Sticks with you after playing for a long time. The theme itself is very marching, almost monotonous, representing the daily grind of the ultra-bureaucratic regime the player is living under. 


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