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Found 3 results

  1. Dovahkiin, dovakhiin, naal ok zin los vahriin! A really fun, high energy song to play. Very happy with how this one came out. A song that brings back memories of my early Uni days. The game this song is from has been remastered and released consistently for the last 10-12 years on all major consoles, and as such the song itself is quite well known among the right crowd. Hope you enjoy, and I appreciate it if you take the time to give it a listen :) Dragonborn-Skyrim.pdf
  2. Hi all! I'm a concertina beginner with a 20 button C/G anglo concertina. I can't sight read from regular, non-concertina sheet music (yet), and I really enjoy learning songs from the two concertina sheet music books I have. I'm starting to run out of songs that I like to play in them, so I figured I'd try to make some basic sheet music for myself. I can figure out simple melodies by fiddling around just fine, but when it comes to inventing chords, I find it hard to memorize them without sheet music to help me learn. For arranging, I downloaded Musescore and I'm getting hang of the program. I'm beginning with Alice in Wonderland (the main theme from the 1951 film). So far I just put in the basic melody, but next I want to figure out some left hand accompaniment. I thought if there's any other beginners that maybe just the melody would be helpful to them. Open the PDF (alice4concertina.pdf) if you just want the sheet music. I've also included the Midi file (alicemidi.mid) should you want it. Please let me know if you have any thoughts on it or recommendations! Hopefully I will have a more fleshed out version of it ready to post soon. alice4concertina.pdf alicemidi.mid
  3. https://youtu.be/NYjazS8P3Z4 Ok, here's my second "vlog" which includes the lovely Irish tune "Maggie In The Woods". Tabs and charts to be found at www.daddylongles.com Go to "Concertina Music".
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