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Randy Stein

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About Randy Stein

  • Birthday 04/15/1953

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  • Interests
    My Family, Live Music, Reading, Talmudic Studies, Cooking, Golf. Art, Theater. ect
  • Location
    Washington, DC

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Heavyweight Boxer

Heavyweight Boxer (5/6)

  1. DC Ambiance performs Anniversary Song
  2. Yesterday's Zoom Call with players from around the world was definitely one of the coolest things one could experience. I arrived a bit late and had to leave too early but the experience of seeing and hearing players from countries expanding the globe was wonderful. Everyone who contributed their tunes were outstanding and joyful. This should happen more than once a year. Just saying....
  3. For the upcoming Concertina Day Celebration, my Jazz Manouche group, DC Ambiance, has a prerecorded concert for those who enjoy swing jazz in the style of Django Reinhardt. We setup in a church basement on a old worn stage and recorded a live performance (no audience other than the people doing audio and video recording). The video will premier on the morning of Feb 6th.
  4. A couple weeks ago I closed my Facebook account. While it was a great way to keep in touch with old friends, family (including my crazy aunt), and the music community at large, it's content was becoming insipid and offensive. It's owner has added to the political divisiveness here in the US. Unfortunately, there isn't another platform to take it's place. That said, I don't miss it.
  5. Music composed in 1939 by Harold Arlen for the film "The Wizard Of Oz" Arranged and performed on a 1939 Wheatstone 56 button EC.
  6. There seems to be some confusion to my posting. Zoom works fine if you have it set properly for musicians. The issue I mention are Windows audio settings that impede a musical instrument being heard.
  7. I use the application Zoom almost daily for teaching and a weekly session. I recently purchased a new laptop, a Dell PC. When I met with students the next day after setting up my computer but none of them could hear my EC. Same with my mates on our weekly jam session. I contacted Zoom tech support and they had me download the most recent version of Zoom but the problem persisted. No one on the receiving end could hear my EC or if they did it was garbled yet they could clearly hear my voice when speaking. Enter Geek Squad Tech Support. Here is what they did to fix the problem: 1. Go to Settings>Sound>More Sound Settings>Communications. Set "When Windows detects communications activity" to "Do nothing". It appears to be set to "Reduce the volume of other sounds by 80%" by default. 2.Go to Settings>System>Sound>Input>Microphone. Set "Audio Enhancements" to Off. The default is "Device default effects". Hope this helps anyone experiencing the same issue
  8. I have two students who are learning/learned on the Jack Concertina. There is plenty of music to play that allows you to use the full range of your keyboard. You have to work with and allow for the limitations of the Jack: large reeds, slow action, tight bellows, etc. One of my students has become quite a proficient player and has not allowed the limitations stop them from playing popular folk, classical, and polyphonic pieces. They recently purchased a tenor/Treble that will allow them a higher range to play. Don't despair. Work with what you have until you're ready to move to the next phase of your concertina journey.
  9. Written by Frank Loesser in 1947
  10. Another recording I made for a student. Written in 1986 by Daniel Thonon. I really enjoy playing this tune. Sorry about the phone buzz in the beginning. My bad. Listen to Cinecitta 1 by Randy Stein 1 on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/WpK4j
  11. Small snippet from a FB Live posting at Thursday Night's performance by DC Ambiance. We are backing jazz singer Victoria Jones. https://fb.watch/w1ri3mA55t/
  12. until
  13. I arranged this for one of my students and decided to do a quick recording of it. Fun tune from 1930
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