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Everything posted by colledge

  1. Mr Reeves. Good to hear from you! The system is least of all for playing in F, but more to reconcile an anglo system with the mind of a fiddler. Obviously none of it is necessary, I've played a standard 30 button for 10 years. Typically I think of the middle row more in terms of a cross row D scale than a C scale. Below that is a corresponding A, like on a fiddle and I tought it would be cool to have a corresponding G above it like on a fiddle. You'd literally be able to play double stops on the concertina, in the same places as a fiddle. The reverse G/A is a big compromise. As you can see, below the G/D/A puls on the left hand there are changes as well. The low E/F is moved to the middle row where the high E/F is and a corresponding A/B is put on button one, just for octaves. I never use that low C/G much on button L6. There are also expanded ornament options, especially in Em, and a lot of those pesky low range fiddle tunes would be easier. Most of the regular system stays unchanged. Thanks for your input. Let me know if you see more good/bad.
  2. Hello all I've played irish music on the concertina for 10 years and wondered what you think of this custom 34 button layout. to basically describe it. it's a C/G. the top row is removed and all useful buttons from it are move either into the 4 extras or into the place of other buttons that I don't use. In the place of the top row, I put an F row. The purpose of this is to make the rows better correspond with the strings of a fiddle. I play across the rows, so the way I play D, Em, Am, G and C on the middle row, I could just jump up a row and play in G, Am, Dm, C, and F the same way a fiddler would jump up a string. The C#'s are still in useful positions and I can generally play the way I normally do. There will be some readjusting, but I'll have to do that anyway moving from a 30 to 34 button sean
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