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Everything posted by Kautilya

  1. ta. Groundbreaking interpretations never stick slavishly to the original composers notation so you should loose or add a few notes anyway!
  2. Well I'm not sure if I'm of the smartypantscomputerati , but to change the speed of playback in Audacity without changing the pitch ... Of course you are! U just proved it! Don’t be modest. Problem may be that Audacity does not seem able to handle the quick download VLC MP4 as a video as it does not recognise it. It asks you to convert it (?to an audio). I think Mike also wants to slow down the visual to see where to strongarm his pinkies on the keyboards. Unless: (waddya think?) he plays separate sound and video files of the same performance simultaneously - Audacity for slowing sound in key and VLC (muted) for slowing the video, and synchs them. I have used the Audacity slow sound thingy as you are saying Steve in Audacity for sound practising. But I did not get moving piccies. To convert MP4 for Audacity: free video to audio conversion 2010 v 3.9.2 http://download.cnet.com/Free-Video-to-Audio-Converter-2010/3000-2140_4-10909427.html There is a (typically!) teeny smartypantscomputerato here but you will see it needs Apple gear and also you seem to have to hold down the go button (one-handed concertina playing). You may be able to use a carrot end or slice of potato to replicate the epidermal digital (as in finger) screen contact function! I remember someone has used little salami chew 'plugs' on their mobile phone screens for this too.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ts6vF5fllQ&noredirect=1 This is the same but you press down the Apple space bar. Just tried this on PC spacebar - it only offers pause and stop and not forward and back as on Apple. And if you hold space bar down it jumps between go and pause and goes even faster than original! :rolleyes: One other visual problem (which has improved dramatically after encouragement in the melodeon community) is avoiding camerawork which records the whole body, the dog in the foreground, the freezer and the dirty pint glass next to the embers of the fire. Trick is to shoot, close up, on the hands. The best would be to shoot down from above for melodeon and accordion and not front on at all but that is remains another step towards the light. Tina players cannot easily show the fingers which are operating on the sides out of view. One tina solution would be two cameras recording at the same time shooting the sides from an slight rear angle, but fingers may block view of some buttons! Then the learner could open two windows on the screen and see “real” fingering as it is played. The best solution for teaching the tin whistle for learners is to shoot the hands from behind-above - you then see the fingers as you would play them yourself. Here is a robotic example for tin whistle used by French bagpipers. It could be something our computerato Michael Eskin might have some thoughts about. But again you have to have Apple gear for his e-squeeze apps. I think his demos show the buttons as they are seen by a “forestander: not as played by a player or as seen by a “rearstander” or in the case of tinas a left- or right-bystander. Unfortunately the tin whistle robot only works online (the author and I have tried and failed to find a way to save and use offline, but it is made of giff files or something). But that problem would not be there using camera recordings such as those put on youtube. Open http://www.playintune.net/fr and then rotate it 100 per cent** and you see the whistle as it is played and it is not necessary for the learner to get h/is/er eyes brain and fingers to reverse everything before they even try to 'copy’. No one would teach flying a plane (or riding a horse) by forcing the pupil to try to see everything backwards contrary to reality. You will see how difficult it is rotating back to "normal" as your mouse will be going in the opposite direction to your brain! **You can rotate your screen with free irotate which I have used for a year or more. http://www.entechtaiwan.com/util/irotate.shtm or on your keyboard http://www.pcmech.com/article/how-to-rotate-your-screen-image/ rotating eyes........ :rolleyes:
  3. Mike - if this is not clear give me a bell. Or I will show u at Grinton, or William Irwin Langdale meet if u are going). Drawback with this approach - it lowers the key (but some of the smartypantscomputerati out there may be able to offer a similar solution via Audacity which slows but does not lower/raise key, but I find audacity generally baffling to my illogical mind). HOW Using firefox/mozilla as your browser ( I don't know if Interent Explorer offers this as I dont use that) Install the addon offered here (I use it all the time) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fast-video-download-with-searc/ Go to Utube Open your youtube video: Copy the tile of the video (highlight with cursor and do control c) then: To the top left, as video plays, you will see three different coloured pawnbroker balls (that;s the download function button) Click on down arrow next to balls to get options. I use the download option(not the quick download) A separate screen asks you to name and save the file. Just paste (control v) into the file name line, hit save and it will save it while you watch and normally save it in 'downloads'. If you can;t find downloads folder later you can just go to START, choose search and then paste in the filename already sitting hidden on your clipboard to find the file saved earlier) It will be an MP4 and the VLC symbol is a road traffic cone. To Practice: Search for the saved file Open it. It will open in VLC and at the very bottom in line where your file name appears, to the right there is a small box with [1.00 x] in it. Right click and it will open up with an up/down control to make it go slower OR faster. You can also set it to replay small sections in a loop so you can practise the same phrases repetitively.tHAT'S the football goalposts on left (to right of the go stop start buttons )- bit awkward to set but... click on first blue goalpost button to set start poinnt. It goes red then click right blue button forr end of clip and it goes red. To clear looping click and blue buttons come back.
  4. Great. Deffo one to promote at Swaledale Squeeze. Will try to get Harry Scurfield and Mike Wild to ramp it up during the late night sessions, with jazz harmonicas thrown in. What key were you in? Ransom - yup, only copyright owners selling it as far as I can see too.
  5. B for reggub?! Can't find that cheque stub - looks like I'm guilty and 20 quid in the red so that's 20 off that 200 quid at least! (It'll be in the post (ho ho!) At least I have heard that Martin is overloaded coz has just had his one millionth new member since this thread started. I see 48 people are online at the ICA page at 00.14hours just now. Hmmm... Red Alert: Remember the rush for the 49.99 new ipad (normal price 450 quid) from Tesco One of the comments to the daily mail was: "Real Bargain or Publicity Stunt - I wonder?" No the (preponderant) English players on the Committee would never do that! :rolleyes: BTW Chairman: 1. I wonder if people who have not received No 451 realise they can see the ICA Library, "the world’s largest collection of concertina music" in Nottingham at Jeremy's Open Day chez lui on April 28th? Judging by the poster he has put up it is going to quite a Boozey occasion! http://www.concertina.org/ica/ 2.Short sentence as unpunctuated Virginia Woolf arpeggio: On 60th anniversary events would it be possible to have an AGM musicmaking full weekend of non stop sessions somewhere (with all the various other instruments that Cnetters play) and a live internet linkup) so that everyone from Waddow (hint hint) to Tokyo (see interview in latest No 451 Concertina World) with concertiniste Myiuki Miura who started career studying accordion in Europe) so everyone on Cnet can play along virtually. Waddow you ask? Almost equidistant musically and geographically from the banks of Loch Lomond and Dover Pier http://waddow.org.uk/home.aspx Just 45 miles from Cleckheaton and where Folkus hold their annual multi-instrument bash (Feb 2013 is already probably more than 50 per cent pre-booked by regular participants after this year's bash).They introduced a concertina element at Feb 2012 weekend. http://folkusnorthwest.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/waddow_2012.pdf As it could be a permasession we would not have to worry about tutor costs -- just costs of bed and board ranging from about 13 quid per bunkbed in the three smart cottages which have selfcatering kitchens and sitting room, or/ plus option of standard cost of (excellent)full board with coffee breaks, and afternoon tea and cakes). There are then triple ensuites and a few doubles and singles with the a few single double posh rooms on the front of Waddow Hall. There is a 'till-early' musical bar too. Such an event would come under non-guiding, non-corporate price list charges and depending on numbers a useful discount might be negotiable. http://waddow.org.uk/prices_and_bookings/prices/price_list.aspx It is about one hour from Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds-Bradford airports and 15m from the M6 Motorway at Preston. Just a thought (or two) u know --
  6. Take yr choice, starting under Willie Nelson. Be interestin' to monitor what this means for reference URLs to various material); as well implications for false (which are illegal) claims on OUR copyright material on youtube by rumblefish et al.** http://duckduckgo.com/?q=the+guardian+german+court+copyright+youtube Would it make sense to gather these © threads into one place? ** interesting caveat pointed out by siliconvalley.com : 'YouTube need only respond to copyright-violation complaints,.........' This is the issue on which Judge Chin refused Google settlement -- under which Google required rightsholders to opt out - Google should have requested permission under © law. One comment on Google's opt out tactic has been: "can you opt out of a burglary" interesting © complaint here by UK individual Nov 2011:
  7. What tune did you dose their meat with to get 'em to like you, or did David help you by practising his dayjob on them with howling laughing gas? Was it this one?
  8. I don't post here very often but I thought the email I received this morning from the ica might shed some light on this. "If the actual address was printed in black then you have paid your subscription. mine was red all over!! (still looking for that cheque stub....!)
  9. Fettering in = Luvvly phrase!Any more out there in the Peaks?
  10. very jaunty! tks Chris Did u see my question about The Horseshoe which Sundays/timings?
  11. The George Inn: Ta - most helpful for future practice!
  12. Hurrah, the latest ICA Concertina World and Music Supplement (No. 451) have arrived by snailmail and lots of (nicely copyrighted) toons from Paul Girlitz and an article on how square concertinas are better then roundy ones. (And two first class stamps - just before the terrible price increase....) Front cover announces it is the 60th anniversary (1952 to 2012)and a call from Editor Pauline de Snoo in the Netherlands for ideas to celebrate. Mail her at: newsletter at concertina dot org And now the shame bit - I know that's the only reason you opened this thread! Membership secretary Martin Henshaw has come up with a rather clever and very effective trick. Apart from his report, about bringing people together around the world (from Biggleswade to Ontario on Anglo in this case) there is a sting in the back inside page which says "Important - Please check the label on the envelope" I thought - great - I have won a 13-button Geoffrey's! Alas No - it said: If the address on the envelope... is in RED the ICA has not yet received your 2012 subscription so this will be the last issue you will receive and your details will be removed from the membership database unless we hear from you within two weeks.... Aaaaggghhh - It was RED! And there was I, not so long ago propagandising to get people to join up :rolleyes: BTW details on how to join or pay at www.concertina.org [Now let me check my cheque stubs to see if....! ]
  13. There is an interesting double page spread today about the big copyright picture and law suits going on in (and outside)the US, with a few para about the little creators (such as our peformers,writers, composers and researchers!). http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/apr/18/online-copyright-war-internet-hit-back?INTCMP=SRCH next to is a piece about patent infringement but it is the section about lawyers suing small firms which is of concern. This is like the thousands of threatening letters sent to individuals by a UK firm of lawyers,accuseing them of downloading copryight material from the web (which in the UK is still illegal without permissions) and demanding compensation payments. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/apr/18/patent-lawsuits-big-small?INTCMP=SRCH And there is the current case about extradition of a young fellow in the UK to the US for posting links to other websites where people could then download copyrighted material. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/apr/18/richard-odwyer-extradition-piracy-charges?INTCMP=SRCH
  14. I see that the charity incorporatd Creative Commons 2009 accounts (latest available) show it spent US$2.1 million on staff and staff benefits, derived from donor income of between US7-5 million and total running costs were US3.6m UK Charity Commissioner guidelines used to be that around 10% should be the target for running costs of a charity. http://ibiblio.org/cccr/docs/audit.pdf
  15. Is this from 1200 every Sunday? It was closed last Sunday at 1245, and, on ringing on Monday, seems it only opens after 1300 and "apparently" only one instrumentalist 'may' have turned up. tks
  16. "La bourré" Paris u mention seems to be the same roots but it also seems that the 'officers' differ from those on the Ligue site. Labourree.com is possibly a sub-set of HQ, as there are similar for Auvergnats in other cities.
  17. Creative Commons has some nice licenses. Which one you choose could depend on many factors. You might also consider using the Copyheart. No Not creative commons. Just plain old © You can investigate the implication of creative commons, perhaps when you have a final product but plain copyright means you can retain all rights AS WELL as give a licence for free to the under-fives Springfield Tina Teenies. Once you do creative commons you lose much of the choice of control as the main aim of it originally was to put stuff into the public domain. Creative commons is frequently used by those on a salary (often paid for by the taxpayer) which pays their gas and electricity and who do not have to worry about having to earn a living from their © creative output in this area. Professors writing in journals are a typical example! On youtube, I find it preferable to choose standard Youtube license (not creative commons).The standard has its own limitations but youtube does not claim ownership of your copyright. http://www.clickandcopyright.com/copyright-resources/copyrights-vs-creative-commons.aspx
  18. Hang on a minute, I thought we were talking about abc-ing the tunes and songs. There are millions of tunes in abc format all over t'Internet and 'rumblefish and google and amazon and US DMCP' seem to have managed to survived for years without hoovering them up into a pay-walled garden. And let's face it, is there really such a huge commercially-exploitable resource being created here out of a 1920s French music book? Let's keep a bit of perspective ... Of course Steve - a bit of perspective.Anyway, I was not thinking specifically of the ABC product but the overall package that might eventually appear with photos of text, scores,midis (and in turn youtubes). Scholarship (which this project of Gary's is) is time-consuming and worth protecting against the marauders. While one does not need to put © on something it does no harm to use it to warn them off. I did say just bear it in mind. Some here are affected daily by this issue and others not, but it remains a real issue. Rumblefish and others are now claiming that the recording of Anglesey Folking About 2012 is their copyright - utter nonsense, but they will use that false claim to obtain cash from Google for ads etc. I am debating putting Mr Happy on to them for a savaging... "that'll lern them" (as they say not far from Chester). I see, daily, that these outfits are expanding their rights grab on youtube even for bird song.* I would refer folk, once again, to the Judge Denny Chin judgement on the book copyright grab by Google and the cases filed against Hathi and some US universities. Gary will know from his own doctoral research how many journals are making big money from re-sales of specialist articles when the authors and the peer reviewers have done all the work for free. That is why I and some others retain copyright in such work - we then have the right to give it free to those who need it and cannot afford exorbitant journal fees (UK universities paid an estimated 200 million last year to Elsevier et al for subscriptions). And the articles are then further resold by such companies to individuals at say 20 or 30 quid a shot. *http://groups.google.com/a/googleproductforums.com/forum/#!category-topic/youtube/how-to-use-youtube-features/eSjKSGBrFMo http://boingboing.net/2012/02/27/rumblefish-claims-to-own-copyr.html As regards repro of the text and the score visuals (ABC of the out of copyright tunes should not be an issue) while the book is 1929 I see Camille Gandilhon Gens d'Armes (who signed the intro)died on July 22, 1948 so rights held by his heirs or other rightsholders expire in 2018 (death +70). I am not sure where Henri Pourrat fits in if at all but he died in 1959. An effort to track down rightsholders for any permissions would be good practice. It seems from first glance at the title page that rights belongs to the members of the Ligue and various such as Sec Gen Bonnet. If the Ligue is still in existence they would probably be pleased to give such permissions... It would seem they do exist. This could be the start of a good relationship with exchange visits .... especially in this 60th year of the International Concertina Association. I see there is another Bonnet (Charlene) in view here. http://ligue-auvergnate.com/ Over to you Gary! and a bit on the HathiTrust project (which of course means elephant in Hindi = reminds one of a bull in a tina shop) http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/digital/copyright/article/48651-authors-guild-sues-university-libraries-over-digital-library-project.html http://www.teleread.com/copy-right/opposing-viewpoints-on-hathitrust-orphaned-works-issue/
  19. Whoops, I see I have cut of one of William's l(eg)s in unchangeable title. see attached programme. Focus on fiddles but other instruments have their role. See Sunday morn. Concert tickets on the door. Carolyn Francis is gigging in Cockermouth during day Saturday. (She and her co-artists are multi instrumentalists). AFAIKnow, rather than phone, it may be enough just to send an email to her if you hope to turn up. PM me for that email or you can find it under May 5 dates here: http://folkus.co.uk/events-2012/ From Carolyn, some of the toons to be played attached. I will delete these from here in a few days so they do not go walkabout, so may I suggest anyone interested download 'em now. For some of these toons if you want the sound rather than the dots you can find some on Yt or for Keswick lassies here: http://www.striding-edge.org/audio.htm tks See Tunes for dots etc of I am a Lakeland Fiddler = song about William Irwin by Alan Bell (for those who don't know him he is Chair of NW Folk arts development Agency Folkus,Director of the Fylde Folk Festival etc
  20. It's pretty exciting to watch it unfold. My vision of it is as a completely, freely available public thingy. So long as we don't have to do some visual/video performances to go with it. I am a bit worried about yr Part 5 p 13, fourth para http://accordeonaire.blogspot.co.uk/ which requires beginners must have dance lessons from the chef du ballet. I long ago sold my tutu "for a song" and (sshhh....!)my avatar never wears anything anyway ................... BTW without wanting to be boring at this stage but any eventual public thingy should be clearly copyrighted to stop rumblefish and google and amazon and US DMCP nicking it to sell commercially. Just bear it in mind for now. :)
  21. Soopah! A little thing you might want to fix (as it may get quoted by others praps) in the first section of the blog is mention of the title Recuil de "La I think it might be RecuEil de "La as he uses 'recueil' at the top of his first page. Lots of potential translators I see, and if someone takes charge of doing that and wants to share around a few pages for each person to do, then I don't mind knocking out a few in English
  22. Very nice too! keep struggling to get past the first part meself:) I was hoping to see more little finger action (following your recent muscle building resolutions) but you didn't let them have a go very often! Is this Concerto named after Fanny Power's mother then?
  23. I presume our Napier expert has been advising on the gussets for this Christchurch set of extended, earthquake flexible bellows. What glue has been recommended? http://www.thejournal.ie/christchurch-plans-cardboard-cathedral-after-devastating-earthquake-418785-Apr2012/
  24. Some underandoverthetop racket through the hatch from the other bar........... There may be one or two repetitions of the same play as I may have mixed up various bits which were recorded across three days and... I could not record everything. Intrestin' too how much good instrumental accompaniment of voice there was..... Three items of extra interest: 2hrs46 TomB virtuoso piece on small whistle-- title? 3.42 Duet Athol Highlanders on Hohner Highlander George Garside and asst. The double-sided Hohner Highlander harmonica has a special note on its A side (D key on the other side) to match Scottish bagpipe chanters. You should be able to hear flutes joining in as well as tinas, melodeons and classical guitars 3.46 GG My Home harmonica duet with asst. on Hohner Highlanders and with flute 4.21 Mr Happy Last rose of summer. http://youtu.be/TkqGekDjH2o
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