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Posts posted by JoachimDelp

  1. As a slightly advanced beginner, but berginner, frequently I ahve been asked politely or not poltely to stop my playing.

    Until now this has been more frequent that the positive experience to be asked to go ahead.


    Thhis summer playiong outsiode togerther with a friend, we have received some applaus.


    Recnetly during a biorthday dinner among friends, O made people sing with me and we enjoyed it all together very much. Remark : It was not in the dark and after too much Red Wine !


    But the nicest moment has been some few days ago, when going to school to teke my 9 year old daughter home, walking by foot - in time - with the Concertina hanging on the shoulder, since I should have soime waiting time.


    When I arrived to the School, I had still about 15 minutes to wait, nobody to be seen, so I took out my little Anglo and stared to waqrm up.

    Then the children came to the yard out of their classrooms, joined me, asked me to play their favourite children songs and started to sing with me, singing well and about half an hour concert, I finished and extremely politely I heard with pleasure an dsurprise say to me :


    We enjoyed very much with you.............


    I replied : And I with you.............


    It was for me a premium for all my efforts and a copmpensation for all the negative expriences.


    And imagine 7 - 10 year old kids, girls and boys nicely singing, about 15 of them around and sincerley enjoyxung and politely thanking.


    Nowaday kids !!!


    It has been a pleasure to read your experiences.



    Joachim Delp

  2. Dear Mr. Dave Barnett,

    thank you for your comments.


    I understand perfectly well, what you are saying about more than one Concertina Players in Sessions and I accept fully




    what I wanted to say really was, that players outisede from "Concertina Aereas" have rearely a opportunity to meet other Concertina Players and to benefit from their experience and to learn.


    Farewell Jamaica :


    That sounds very interesting to me, what you are saying about this tune converted in Island Mary.


    Can you give me any hint where to find this version ?


    Thanks and Regards

    Joachim Delp

  3. Good Morning Concertina World,


    My own experiences learning the Concertina for the last 18 nmotnhs, and reading the topic "Favourite Tunes, leads me to write :


    I presume that most Concertina Players can be found in UK, IOreland, USA, Canada, South-Africa and Australia.

    I know about some few players in Germany, Swityerland, Sweden, Danmark, France, Italy, Spain...................


    Perhaps with exception UK and Ireland, most of us will not have a reguzlkar chance to meet other Concertina Players and to particpate in sessions.


    Concertina Teachers are frequently not easy to be found nearby our residence.


    Consequently it is not easy to learn from other players in person, in a traditional human way.


    We are learning with the help of our Books, Tutors, attending workshops and listening recorded music.


    The Playerts living out of the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Aereas, must not necesaryly know about irish Music, Morris Dance and other Anglo Traditional Music.

    Teh Players with Anglo-Celtic roots might be interested to learn more than than the usual stuff.


    I guess, there are many among us, who would prefer to learn by ear, fior whatever eason, even knowing to read note-sheets. Not all of us are specially talented for Music, but enjoy it...................and could leran more efficiently with some help.

    Learning (self-teaching) from CDs recoprded by more or less professional Players is not alway easy, although you are prepared to listen hundreds of times.

    In any case it is very time consuming.


    I mself have received this kind of help by the Dutch Player Henk van Aalten, who has recorded for me a first CD mainly with Irish Tunes, more or less as a Teaching CD, explaining the Tune, advising about some special fingering and other difficulties, playing slowly the parts and some more difficult passage and finally playing at speed. That has been a very efficient help.


    Alos working a CD-Rom Tutor from Ireland has been helpfuil


    All these observations make me proppose, to oipen a new Forum, dedicated to the

    "International Concertina Music Interchanging Players" or ICMIP or I invite you, to comunicate me your offers and demands for


    - Teaching favourite Tunes

    Learning favourite Tunes


    I am ready to bring these offers and demands togehter, to intermediate and to organiye, alos with the help of the new formu chapter I have said before.


    Players willing to help and teach, should be prepared to record on Tape, CD or ND their favourite Tunes in the way described, when above speaking about Henk´s CD. The exact recording mean should be agreed according to the avaibility from both parts. Eventually also the PC could be used with music recorded in MP3 format.


    The Player who wants to learn, should at first place be reqady to work and to inform about his progress.

    He might be able to offer his favourite tunes and if not in compensation he might offer recordings of his local, regional, national Traditional Music.


    There are other ideas which come to my mind spontanously and which might be examined and developped, like as :


    - An annual Meeting of the participants of the ICMIP Forum

    - Som,e kind of Concourses and Awards to the most active Participants.

    - Recording periodically CD´s with the Tunes perforemd by the Learners

    - Group Playing via Internet


    and whatever you might propose.


    This projhect - if it comes true - might ioncrease the efficieny of Learning, win new Concertina Adapts, and friends, etc.


    I mself, a Player born in Germany, living in mainly in Spain, I am leraning Irish and Basque Tunes and Dances, some Klezmer and some Russina Tunes.

    Actually I am working on a CD titled "Anglo in the DArk" performed by Harry Scurfield, playing some French Music, some Klezmer, some Jazzish, all with iontersting Chord playing and Octave Playing, He has been helpig me already a bit over the phone.

    In the next future I think to arrange some songs performed by Harry Bellafonte, e.g. "Farewell Jamaica", nice, sweet, soft but moving rythm............


    As you see, IO am openm minded and for me there are not one favourite Tune, almost any music can emopte me and enrich me.


    And this brings me to the idea, that the Professional Players might also be approached if they could dedicate to ICMIP some teacahing CD with or without payment.


    Well, please think about my proposalm, let me have your comments, critics and impüroving ideas and hopefully let´s start..............


    My e.mail address JopachimDelp@aol.com


    My postal address :



    P.O.Box, 39

    E-20.400 Tolosa (Gipuzkoa)



    I am waiting for your CD´s TApes or MD´s or MP3 records.


    Thank you for your attention !


    Cordially Joachim Delp




    And Frankl Edgle edits A Traditional Irish Tune Bool with CD, recording the tunes played at a lower speed and at desriable speed.

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