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    Travel, making videos, making stuff, making music
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    traveling north america and western europe

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  1. My apologies to the universe and especially to Judy for eff'ing up the title. Here is an updated version with a proper title. I'll leave the corrections of content to the author who plans to offer the series as an epub in the future. . Hayden harum scarum tutorial - Judy Hawkins.pdf
  2. Having recently purchased a Hayden Duet concertina from Concertine.it, I've been looking for some help and stumbled across the excellent series that Judy Hawkins posted a few years ago. I took all of her posts, and turned them into a PDF with some minor editing reformatting. I've contacted Judy who gives her blessing for my reposting it here. She has plans to do her own edit and compilation of the tutor in the future. l Hayden Duet Concertina Tutor by Judy Hawkins------------------------ Section One --------------------------- Ok_ so_ you've got a Hayden system concertina (any type -- Stagi, Elise, Beaumont, Peacock, Wheatstone, Tedrow....), you've probab.pdfHayden Duet Concertina Tutor by Judy Hawkins------------------------ Section One --------------------------- Ok_ so_ you've got a Hayden system concertina (any type -- Stagi, Elise, Beaumont, Peacock, Wheatstone, Tedrow....), you've probab.pdfHayden Duet Concertina Tutor by Judy Hawkins------------------------ Section One --------------------------- Ok_ so_ you've got a Hayden system concertina (any type -- Stagi, Elise, Beaumont, Peacock, Wheatstone, Tedrow....), you've probab.pdf
  3. Indeed...Le Marche is not a very well known part of Italy. It is beautiful and I only met nice people there.
  4. Thanks to help from people in this forum, I was able to locate and make contact with the owner of Concertine Italia. Last Thursday, I visited the factory and spent a couple of hours talking with the two women who make pretty much every part of their instruments, with the exception of the reeds and reed blocks. A lot of people helped me along the way. I'm especially thankful to my new friend Enrico, who thought a visit to a concertina factory would be a good adventure and offered to drive me there, and to serve as translator. I can speak a little Italian but quickly got lost in the specifics. The owner, Mrs. Simona, is an awesome person as is her only full time employee Rosalia. Together they make a range of instruments including an adorable tiny 18 button chromatic, and the Italian organetto. They say that their most popular model is the Hayden. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity. I think you will like these awesome makers as much as I do. You can find the video at
  5. I was very fortunate to visit Concertine Italia yesterday. It is a very interesting place. Every part of the instruments are made in the shop, except for the reeds and reed blocks (those are supplied by a nearby accordion factory). The entire staff is just two full time people. They have some vintage tools from the Stagi/Bastari factory but also use modern tools including a laser cutter, to produce their instruments. There is also a part time woodworker who comes in to make the wood parts, and another part time worker who applies the finish to the wood ends. They make their own bellows, and all the mechanical parts, mostly using vintage tools. The raw materials include wood, leather, brass, and aluminum. I was surprised that Japan is a major market for Concertine Italia, and that the most popular models are the Hayden system. Their products include an adorable small chromatic concertina (A-18) that is, if I understood correctly (il mio italiano non è perfetto), mostly used by circus performers. I was very lucky to have been able to make this visit and shot a bit of video which I hope to turn into a YouTube in the future, but I will give Concertine Italia the opportunity to review it before I post it to make sure what I say is accurate.
  6. I have found that the computer mapping in Italy is not perfect with regard to identifying the actual locations of businesses, especially in very rural areas (like Recanati), is often absent or incorrect, so maybe not such a surprise.
  7. I just received an email from the company and I am invited to visit and make a video. I still don't know exactly where they are but am really looking forward to making the visit.
  8. I looked up the address on google maps, and there seems to be another unrelated business in that building.
  9. I have made reservations to stay near Recanati in Ancona for two weeks in September. I have made contact with the manufacture through their facebook page and they told me to write to a different email address. I did, describing the project, but have not received a reply for two weeks. I also wrote to the Sindaco (mayor) of Recanati and they were unfamiliar with the company, which is odd, because it is a very small city. It's an enigma on top of a mystery. I hope that I will be able to visit their fabbrica and do some video. If not, there is an accordion factory in the same city, and several others nearby in Castelfidardo that may be open to a visit and a video
  10. Thank you all. I found an email address for the company and wrote them, but have not heard back. I'm considering contacting the local or regional government and asking for a referral. Street View shows the Bünner Musica location active in 2019. I wonder if they were/are a German company? The umlaut may be a clue.
  11. I'm planning a trip to Italy this fall for a couple of months of eating delicious food, meeting cool people, and making a few videos. On this trip, I'm planning to spend some time in Castlefidario, where there are a few accordion makers still in business. I have brought my concertina along on previous trips, and it's been a bit of a conversation starter. While the word would appear to have an italian origin, the instrument is mostly unknown. I'd really like to find the Stagi or Bastari factory and shoot some video there. I assumed it was made near Castlefidario but no one in the neighborhood that I have spoke with has any idea about Stagi. Does anyone know where they are located? Thanks, david
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