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The annual EATMT day of free reed workshops ‘Melodeons and More’ takes place in a couple of weeks (March 23rd) and as usual there’s a strong Concertina input. In addition to the workshops, Mike Acott will be setting up his stall and Geoff Crabb will be there too.
Full details are on the website of the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust, (http://www.eatmt.org.uk/m&m.htm#Melodeons and More 2013) and like all their events this one is always a great success. One particularly nice feature is a very long lunch-break giving opportunities for lots of informal playing. (Real Ale bar too!) Well worth considering if you’re free on that day, but book in advance to make certain of a place.

EATMT is a very fine organisation which promotes annual events as well as one-offs. These range from concerts to lectures, classes to research projects. It’s well worth being on their mailing list and getting the newsletter if this is your interest.
Best wishes,

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