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Wanted - Cheap anglo concertinas in South Africa/Central London


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I have found my only choice for a first concertina is to pick it up in person from either Central London or from around the Wes Kaap in South Africa. So far I have found only an overpriced Stagi 20 key in a London shop and a second hand 20 key Scholer in South Africa. My budget is unfortunately around £160/R1824 maximum. Ideally a 30 key anglo. Please help! :(



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Thanks Neil, I decided upon a Schöler boerekonsertina after all, I'm still waiting for the delivery though so have yet to play it. The Rochelle was a possibility when a few weeks back I saw a second hand one on ebay, but I got outbid and I cannot afford a unused/new one. Although Schöler seems to vary greatly in quality, I'll take my chances, as long as it is possible to make music with the concertina.

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