It's just a thought .. but generally I have never been one that particularly believes in dividing instruments into grades of usability, or desire; I am often concerned over the term beginners when applied to instruments, and certain makes of instrument.. In visual art there are student grade paints, for example, something which I have also seen as being an unnecessary term; and you can get basic pencils from any shop if you like too; but an artist should be able to get the most out of what is at hand, or available within their budget, without the feeling that somehow they are somehow not working with the ideal dream package.
Of course the desired instruments are lovely, no doubt, and always in demand; but we must not expect that everyone has the need, maybe beyond their means, due to fashion perhaps, to afford the crown jewels, when they will find a perfectly good alternative, in instrument makers.
There's some wonderful players on a penny whistle, and silver flute. But it all comes down to what you can afford, and how well you form that sound regardless.
At the end of the day I believe very much that ' one man's tin really is like another man's Gold.. ( so let people play within their means and the talent will soon polish up, and will shine through ).