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Found 6 results

  1. Stumbled across the ancient audio of my playing over 40 years ago, when I only played Irish music. Might have been recorded at the basement of my late, good friend, uilleann piper Al Purcell, whose band I was part of for several years. We often just recorded each other playing for archival purposes. The concertina was a rather sluggish action Matusewitch Wheatstone. Its also important for EC players to know that at this time, I was the only concertina player of Irish music in the state, years before any Anglos showed up in Michigan (and even years before my friend Frank Edgley even picked up a concertina, but that's another story). So I still laugh when I hear people say Anglo is more suited for Irish music. You either know the tunes and style or you don't......the box makes no difference! ---Matt Here's the link to the audio: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/amggqpz0511r77ccb9078/Matt-Heumann-cica-1980s-Irish-set.mp3?rlkey=g3oejv9jzd8ti86w7tf99gkgq&st=igv696v9&dl=0 Members can access many more of my files on the Dropbox link at the bottom of this posting.
  2. This 18th century folk song audio was from 2008 when I was just starting to sing & arrange accompaniment with concertina. The sheet music arrangement came later and differs slightly from the audio version. A slightly better concertina arrangement is available in pdf, midi, musicxml & xml in the "Queer bungle Rye" folder on my Concertina.net Dropbox link:
  3. Here's me singing an old Copper Brothers song with concertina accompaniment, recorded in 2008 when I was just starting to sing & arrange songs for concertina. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6kntzlyowtli659zoalph/All-Jolly-Fellows-with-concertina.mp3?rlkey=ml9xjkaqgsev1g0cw834895w3&st=mkfx2geh&dl=0 I later added a chorus & changed the concertina part to split chords for simplicity. Here are the pdf, midi, mp3, music xml, and xml of the split chord version: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/wd1gi64va1e29ezjy7p8r/AEqsDTXFAg8g52QZGYb_tWc?rlkey=bk5tw8ygws0qwn4mpf28o6yqd&st=b4w9opzh&dl=0
  4. My composition 2009 in memory of Rich Morse: architect, concertina player, Morris dancer; founder of "The Button Box", Morse Concertinas and the "Northeast Squeeze-In" . My dropbox link will get you to the pdfs, midi, musicxml, xml of both the polyphonic version as well as the melody only version. Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/i5lofidbbd1yjobp9n9g0/AG3cvIuctpmyNHXehpLB9qw?rlkey=69a5q3urtcv1j4uk1s83do1bi&st=s0zcscdm&dl=0
  5. Here's an arrangement I worked up and posted on YouTube for World Concertina Day 2024. -Pdf sheet music attached below performance: euterpe crown guilt -arr EC with intro.pdf
  6. So, this concertina has a lovely tone. I had purchased it, thinking that it would be my thing, but instead fell in love with the piano accordion, meaning that this little beastie has been sitting in it's case, having only ever had a few tunes played on it. It needs a more loving home! Technical info on it: It is a 48-button Stagi, Model A48-S English Concertina Treble Range (it's not super high and squeaky like a lot of them--it's got a nice, rich tone to it). 6-fold Leather Bellows Steel Reeds Weighs a little over three pounds Six sided Made in Italy Mahogany colored wood, with a herringbone edge Leather thumb straps Metal finger braces Highest note is C, lowest is G Like I mentioned, this instrument really hasn't ever been played, so the all of it, bellows included will last a good long time. I'm asking $750 for it. It comes with a black hard case with a handle, which is also brand new. I've put up a Craigslist posting for this, so that you can have a look at the photos, since my file sizes are too large to load here. Here's the link! http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/msg/4152374121.html
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