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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, my name is Eric. I’m a novice crane duet player, who is working on music theory and learning to play my instrument. I’ve seen discussions about moving notes around on the crane. And did a layout to see what it would look like. I’m assuming that the crane layout was created to make life easier for people who didn’t use many sharps or flats. Since the sharps and flats are on the outside. But there was a discussion someplace on concertina.net about different layouts. I could not get it out of my head as I’m studying theory a bit and realize how much counting is to be done to figure out chords. so I thought I’m make a chart to see what it looked like and saw that if it’s possible to re-order the keys so that it’s always consistent on each column. It seems to me, then, that the new layout would keep all the chord fingerings the same? is this a more logical system according to theory? To have the same pattern ? e.g. the note above is always a perfect 4th. The chords fingering patterns would be consistent on each column. Are there other systems with the same layout? has anyone re-ordered the reeds in their crane to do this? (Im assuming this could be done by just moving the reeds? Is that true?) would this make music theory easier repositioned this way? looking forward to hearing thoughts. 3 photos attached. first is how it is on my crane. second is how the notes would be repositioned. third shows the consistent patterns of semitones going up the rows. (Also- my box is already a bit unusual in that it goes down to F on each side.) Best, Eric
  2. Anyone have (or know of) a Crane duet in decent condition for sale at the moment? Ideally Lachenal or Wheatstone, 48 or 55 buttons. Preferably in the UK. Thanks, Chris
  3. Not the best performance I know but I only picked the instrument up for the first time on Thursday so I'm pleased with it! 'Wild Mountain Thyme' on my new Crane Duet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KK3-xZOlM4
  4. Here's a couple of youtube clips featuring the Crane Duet played by Ben Nicholls, both related to the 'Kings of The South Seas' album. http://youtu.be/vtYSBLI6LYE http://youtu.be/MFDobcKv0KY
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