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  1. Here's something different to the harmonic arrangements of tunes I usually do - I wanted to see how my 20b anglo would sound with a piano accordion and what combinations of textures might work. This is my first experiment - with a single line in the anglo. (I might swap roles and see what comes out..) So, here the accordion is providing all the "accompaniment/countermelody/textures". I love playing around with alternatives to the usual "oom pah" accompaniment associated with the PA. I was actually going to record this piece on two accordions* but just couldn't help picking up the anglo and having a quick little go - hence this! I fancy working up something for solo anglo at some point. Back to normal service very shortly * I came up with the tune originally for a series of canal inspired short tunes for a video by British Waterways - they were inspired by walking along stretches of the Worcester and Birmingham canal (especially Tardebigge lock flight and round Hanbury/Stoke Works) in Worcestershire. I wrote a duet for two accordions recently which this video is based on, musically, expanding the ideas, so that I could play it with a local accordionist friend who has really got into composing for the instrument.
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