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Found 1 result

  1. I am wondering if anyone would like to comment on this idea: I am designing a BGriff concertina to add to my Tassie Tiger collection (I play B Griff accordion. These accordions, in their 3 row variant allow for every key on the scale to be played with just 3 different fingering patterns. The buttons produce the same sound push and pull. I can fit 33 buttons, therefore 33 notes into my little 51/2 inch Tassie Tiger concertinas (16 on the left and 17 on the right, in the anglo style layout). What this allows me to do is on the left hand side range from D3 - E4, and on the right hand side range from F4 - Bb5 in a B Griff three row layout. Because all notes of a scale are present on each side of the instrument in both directions all possible cords can be formed. This is my question: If I tune the right hand side to A442, and the left hand side to A440, I would have a nice vibrato tuning like a two voice accordion when the same note (e.g. F3 and F4 played simultaneously). AND, because deeper notes tend to flatten slightly under pressure (volume), a high and low note, e.g. Eb3 and Eb4 on the left hand side would also have a slight vibrato. Unless told that there is a difference in pitch, the ear has very little sensitivity, if any, to difference (in pitch) below about 8 cents, when a player plays an instrument relative to itself, and in most cases relative to other instruments. There is just under 8 cents difference between A442 and A440, so it would be hard to pick a difference in tuning in the instrument against itself. But when two same pitched notes are played on the same instrument, right and left hand, the harmony would be noticeably enlivened by vibrato. (As an example: accordions retain their bass side (chord) reeds at A440, but flatten or sharpen two 0r more banks of reeds on the right hand side to make a musette.) The advantage of this layout as far as I can see are: * All cords can be played push and pull * All cords can be played push and pull right and left hand with precisely the same fingering pattern both sides * All keys can be played both sides of the instrument. * There is a mild vibrato effect that mimics a two voiced instrument * And all this in a very small instrument, highly portable, and loud. Comments are most welcome, please. David
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