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Found 4 results

  1. Found one last old cassette tape of me playing in the early 1980s. Mostly Scottish, but one Northumbrian and an old time fiddling set from 1800s. Couldn't seem to filter out the "hum" no matter how hard I tried, Sorry! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6t4lagzu4ojvsdnkkc8gu/matt-s-concertina-side-1.mp3?rlkey=5sxgk418zgnd5ag5l60a7mb4s&st=f36b3qx9&dl=0 Signed-In Members can access more of my music files at Dropbox link at bottom of this posting
  2. Somewhere during the last month I saw an advertisement for an e-book about how to play old-time ad bluegrass fiddle tunes on the concertina. I even downloaded the free sample. Now I can find neither my download nor the advertisement. Can anyone help me?
  3. Cameron DeWhitt brings his banjo and recording rig around to visit old-time musicians that he admires. He interviews them, learns their tunes and records the music they make together. Last February he came by my place and now it’s up on the web. http://www.camerondewhitt.com/getupinthecool/jodykruskal Cameron says “Welcome to Get Up in the Cool: Old Time Music with Cameron DeWhitt and Friends. This week’s friend is concertinist Jody Kruskal. If you don't know what a concertina is, that's normal—Jody will explain everything, just know that you're in for a treat. Jody Kruskal is definitely one of my favorite people to play with; when I’m wandering around at night at the festivals I listen for that unique quality that only jams with concertinas can have; it’s like you meeting a german hiker on the appalachian trail; foreign but compatible”. You can listen to an hour of lively conversation and American tunes on Anglo concertina and banjo including Coon Dog, Josio and a few of my originals: Swaggering Sylvie, Flying South, and Krazy for Kasha.
  4. Last fall I performed all over the South of England at folk clubs and festivals. My audiences seemed to enjoy this song and join in the chorus. Click below to read a bit about "Wedding Dress" and see a live performance at the Seaford Folk Club, UK, October 19, 2012. http://jodykruskal.com/tune_of_the_month/january_2013.html
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