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  1. Hi, I have just started a brand new series of tutorials for absolute beginners on the Hayden duet system. This is completely free of charge and available on my website www.daddylongles.com and on my YouTube channel Daddy Long Les. Here is the playlist: All of the sheet music and charts etc. are available here: https://www.daddylongles.com/haydenduetconcertina Having played English and anglo for quite a few years now, I'm excited to be getting into this new venture. I really hope that this will help beginners. If you've just bought an Elise this will be perfect for you as this is the instrument I have used so far although an upgrade is planned very soon!😉 Thanks for looking Les
  2. Both the low-end 34B Elise and the better 42B Peacock were designed and sold by Wim Wakker, but the Elise has a high A on the LHS that is omitted on the Peacock. The Peacock adds 8 buttons over the Elise but removes a LH button that I would have thought was important. I doubt very much that Wim did this by accident - he must have thought that trading off the A for an additional accidental was worthwhile. Since the Peacock is, for me, the obvious upgrade from an Elise I wonder if this missing A is a real problem? Any Peacock owners care to comment on this issue? More generally any general comments on the Peacock (cf. an Elise especially) would be very welcome - limitations, playability, sound, maintainability, etc... Don.
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