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Everything posted by LDT

  1. ooh....I've ordered on of them. I seem to be able to push the air button when I pull better than whenI pus. And only seem to not make a mistake at the same time if the button I'm pressing is on the laft hand side or in the c row. combining grow and air button just ends in disaster. I tend to end up hitting it with my thumbnail.
  2. I've had it stuck in my head for 3 days. lol!
  3. I got a disny songbook the other day so I've been trying a couple of the songs out.....what do you think? (oh yes it has been edited coz I had to stop to turn over th page of music every so often) Bella Notte http://www.soundlantern.com/UpdatedSoundPa...4&Path=null Feed the Birds http://www.soundlantern.com/UpdatedSoundPa...6&Path=null
  4. Awww Shucks Dirge ...... & here was me looking forward to meeting her, too! No, on second thoughts, I've just pictured Dick in a floral summer frock ................... & those hob nailed boots of his! And beard! Its all turning a bit Monty Python. lol!
  5. 1hr a day practice weekdays (sometimes 2 if there's nothing on tv) and 2-4hours at the weekend. Easy. 369...pah! That's nothing! YOu should see some of my post counts on other forums. 1000-2000 posts on some of them. What would happen if work didn't get in the way? To my post count or my practice? Practice probably get four hours a day with 4 hours for internet surfing I think.
  6. ORDER! ORDER! Hey, come on now, steady on guys, sad to say but this perfectly silly thread has just degenerated into a sensible discussion! Where's a moderator when you need one? jatlh tlhIngan? That's more like it! Oh so you are fluent in Klingon then? -- http://www.mrklingon.org/
  7. 1hr a day practice weekdays (sometimes 2 if there's nothing on tv) and 2-4hours at the weekend. Easy. 369...pah! That's nothing! YOu should see some of my post counts on other forums. 1000-2000 posts on some of them.
  8. ORDER! ORDER! Hey, come on now, steady on guys, sad to say but this perfectly silly thread has just degenerated into a sensible discussion! Where's a moderator when you need one? jatlh tlhIngan?
  9. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_4CMjQk-fD0
  10. I've been learning since end of august....started playing coz I had a dream I could play (yep really three times in a row..thought my subconcius is telling me something)...plus I've laways wanted to play a instrument but I've not had sucess with strings or wind instruments. I keep playing coz I payed £165 for this concertina so I'm gonna get my moneysworth...and I want to be able to join in with music.
  11. 'If someone plays a concertina in a forest and no ones there are you a musician?'
  12. Leo I have a small suggestion when you put the date in the subject line could you put the year in there too? Or else its going to start to get confusing how old the post is.
  13. It would be hillarious if I actually did hear someone else nearby playing...for some reason it's making me think of in 101 Dalmatians when they send out the call to find the puppies and all the dogs across london and beyond join in the barking.
  14. Maybe, Marien. But then that would remove the fun of all the wild theories that we might come up with! Regards, Peter. getting a proper answer would spoil the fun of a morning concertina chorus. Or at least chucking the idea about.
  15. Problem...don't know the song...and would probably me behind everyone else...what about twinkle little star instead? plus 11am? Can't you make it after lunch?
  16. I might manage that on a bad week.
  17. True of just about anything. Even excessive consumption of water, if it sufficiently disrupts your body's electrolyte balance. Then there's drowning. And yet you believe it? I think it was on Braniac...or How2..one of those type of shows.
  18. Chocolate is even poisonous to humans..if you eat enough...got that off a tv show. mmmmmm......chocolate....
  19. It's selfish, for a start. Most people that I know disapprove of selfishness. Cheers, John Please consider the possibility that it might be sheer, unadulterated terror. Some of us carry way too much emotional baggage regarding performance. We need to get over it, yes, but in the meantime there it is. It might be coz we don't think there is a light there.....or for your own good.
  20. That's why concertina players came to develop thumbs on their hands! I was including thumbs in that statement How do you practice what you don't know how to do?
  21. *squints*..can't see what buttons she's pressing from this far away. Why are air buttons in such an awkward place....I know my fingers are double jointed but really.....
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