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Posts posted by OLDNICKILBY

  1. Robin I am really pleased that you are enjoying the RED DEVIL. I originally bought it to use as a note for our singing group. What a mistake, as it sort of toned in with my outrageous Aussie jumpers. Impossible to take a note from but Oh Boy did it get attention when it was played. Let me have your address and I will send you the tapes of the original owners playing at the Royal Albert Hall.

    Mike French

    It is not heavy at all but the sound most certainly is

  2. Dare I mention that a"certain person" not me, dropped my Rosewood Holmwood and the end broke into several bits. I phoned Hamish lamenting this event, "Right hand or Left hand ?" He had a spare left hand in the same Rosewood as he had made a One Handed Concertina for a guy with , tha'ts right only one hand. Result within 3 days I had a brand new end that fitted perfectly. Oh the benefits of CNC.

    Perhaps I should design a Concertina Pub Prop as we already make the Guitar/ Fiddle/ Uke / Banjo model for Marks Music

  3. IF and I use caps on purpose it could be done we would have done it. I have an Injection Moulding Factory and a full tool room with 3 C N C Machining Centres and 28 Moulding Machines and more than a passing interest in Tina,s( no jokes please). Hamish Bayne made an acrylic prototype many years ago and the sound was as dead as a Dodo. 3 D printing is certainly not viable as the results are fragile when compared with Timber. I made some reed shoes in IXEF some 25 years ago, Rubbish is the word to describe the sound. An interesting activity akin to killing the cat with "Whipped Cream and Boxing Gloves" Save your money and do not re-invent the wheel, but thanks for trying to move our favourite instrument forward

  4. Having had another look at the construction of these I was to start with a little puzzled by the serpentine reed pan. Then the penny dropped, it was to accommodate the fixings in the sides with what appear to be threaded inserts. Like it. This will solve a long term problem

  5. I went to a concert at Cecil Sharpe House in 1962 and saw the Northwest Folk Four who had a concertina ( to my shame I have forgotten the players name)

    but I did sit next to Maud Karpeles, Wow. I went out and bought a Concertina not an English but a Macann Duet. I did not know the difference. The problem was the left hand was in old pitch and the right in new pitch. I struggled for about 20 years not knowing another player who could put me on the right track. I then found an English a Rock Chidley, I now have 6 Chidleys and prompted Chris to do the research, much better , I could get a tune and play chords. The problem was this was the start of C A S. Eventually I sold the Macann to help fund one of Hamish's Tinas. Much better. Like Singing the Tina has been a major part of my life for the last 50 odd years.

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