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Everything posted by scoopet

  1. whoops...... having taken the end off the number is actually 8394!!!!!!!!...If it could talk it would tell me it was never bought by captain otway!!!!!! the paper label is a bit faded and I always thought it was 8894...SORRY....ignore the nautical history!! if anyone can find 8394 in the ledgers please post. very sorry simon
  2. have read somewhere on this forum about a Mr. Green , who made exceptionally good reeds. Can anyone help by being specific about the time period he was at lachenal , what concertinas he would have done the reeds for (would it have just been edeophones? or could it have been any concertina) and how do you recognise the sound of a Mr.Green reed? Are they super loud , are they super reponsive etc Any help or thoughts greatly received!! thank you
  3. I have a 48 keyed wheatstone english treble concertina for sale. It has highly polished rose wood ends metal keys dark green leather bellows brass reeds, and is in excellent condition with hexagonal rosewood case (very good condition) It was fully restored, new pads, valves, bushings etc and tuned to modern concert pitch by Nigel Sture less than 3 months ago. The serial number is 8894.The Horniman ledgers show that it was purchased on august 18th 1856 by Captain Otway. Looking at a royal navy role call in 1856 shows that there was only one Captain George Otway at the time ,who went to to reach the rank of Rear Admiral.He was the son of Admiral Sir Robert Waller Otway who fought with Nelson during several campaigns!!! The concertina plays very well , has a very good action and has a nice volume for a brass reeded instrument.Its in excellent cosmetic condition and the probable history of it is great! I wish it could talk!! I'm asking 795 pounds or near offer for it, am based down in devon and am best contacted either through the forum or on 01271 814609. kind regards simon
  4. does it have all its reeds? It looks like quite a few of the high ones are missing to me?
  5. thank you for the replies...you have added to my fears!!!!! that in the throes of slightly guinness related intoxication when playing down the pub i will get over excited and damage the instrument with some over zealous gusto!!! however as I play most of the time sat at home in front of the fire the fact that it should play very smoothly and with a beautiful tone is very appealing.....however still worried about hurting it?! when at the pub............
  6. hi all, I would be very grateful of some help and advice.......I would like to buy a wheatstone good period aeola , however they are expensive......2000 pounds at least. however I have been offered a brass reeded aeola for considerably less..... Basically i would like to know what are the downsides of a brass reeded treble aeola ....will it be quiet , will it be detrimental to the reeds if I push it, will they go out of tune easily if played loudly etc etc..... And ultimately will sometime down the road will i regret buying it and have wished I'd saved up some more money and bought a steel reeded aeola? All help/ advice gratefully received....I'm starting to lose sleep over this decision!!!!!!
  7. could you stick some photos of it on here aswell please chris? thanks again
  8. hi chris , sounds interesting...can you give me your phone number so I can give you a ring best wishes simon
  9. hi , i'm looking to buy a "nice" english concertina......Probably either a lachenal new model or a wheatstone with steel reeds, a quick response and I want it loud!!! my brass reeded wheatstone gets "lost' when playing with friends... Any help or suggestions on what to get would be much appreciated.....Im in england (south west) and have just over a thousand pounds to spend,maybe a bit more.thanks again
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