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Posts posted by AnnC
😁on the lovely North Yorkshire Coast, lots for all the family with plenty of concertina friendly events Whitby Folk Week Just remember to check the tide times before strolling on the beach, the sea comes all the way in to the cliffs. All the tide and weather information can be found here Whitby Lifeboat along with a webcam up the harbour.
😄and if you're in the area the weekend before, 10th to 13th of August, then Saltburn Folk Festival just up the coast is a lovely friendly festival to visit -
On the beautiful North Yorkshire Coast Whitby Folk Week lots for all the family to enjoy 😀
It will be lovely to see people in real life though getting used to being "social" again does feel rather strange and I'll be carrying a mask + hand gel and testing before events just to be prudent.
when the programme comes out I'll put up a potted list of Concertina friendly events to give people a flavour of what there is going on .... also links to bus timetables etc.
One of the most important things to look at if you're coming are the tide times, the sea comes in all the way to the cliff so please check before strolling on the sands, it saves getting a lift in the lifeboat here's a link to Whitby Lifeboat Station which has all the information on tides, weather etc. as well as an excellent webcam up the harbour 🙂-
The main dance and concert venue in the Spa is being used as a Covid vaccination centre, working from 8am to 8pm every day with the car park above the Spa cordoned off to make a one way system so will probably be unavailable for some time to come.
🎶 looking forward to seeing everyone safely next year 😁👍
☺️ just checked my bank statement and the automatic payment to the ICA went out last week.
Competitive playing does not really appeal to me but there is great pleasure in meeting other concertina players of all the varied systems, Anglo, Duet, English, comparing and listening to the instruments and having a good tune session. ...... with songs for those who can sing, I can't carry a tune in a bucket singing ☺️
looking forward to the eventual lifting of all the restrictions, at some future date,
OH and self are planning to head to Mussleburgh where he went to primary school and where his Dad was born, for a bit of a break. OH's Grandad lived on Fisher Row ( born Dunfirmline). I know we live in an East coast seaside town and planning a holiday in another East coast seaside town might sound a bit odd but if this present crisis has done anything it has made us list all the jolly things we'd planned to do and not got around to yet
No idea when this will be but half the fun is in the planning and anticipation so if anyone has any advice on where to go, any possible sessions or if you live in Mussleburgh and would like to meet for a coffe, what to see in and around Mussleburgh we'd love to hear itwe'll be going by pubic transport (train/ bus when they're back to normal)
https://www.whitbyfolk.co.uk/ Whitby Folk Week 2019 lots of concertina interest .....and melodeons too
Whoops.... I'd better start a 2019 Whitby Folk week thread 17th to 23rd August this year??
follow the advice of George Garside, a superb melodeon player and teacher ...... leave your instrument where you can pick it up easily as the whim takes you and play any tune you like for as long as you fancy ..... then relax and put the kettle on for a cup of tea ( or open a bottle of wine or beer
the shop on Goodramgate in York had shut when we were last there but the website Red Cow Music gives an address at Stillingfleet
If you're any where near me on the North Yorkshire coast I've a 20 button Anglo that gets lent out for people to try to see if the Anglo is for them ......it's basic but in tune
For anyone coming to the festival, or at any other time
this web site Whitby Weather has details of the tide times on the left hand side of the page. Very important as the tide comes in all the way to the cliffs, please check tide times before strolling along the beach. There are also links to local webcams and other useful information
Update to parking ...... the Battery Parade, Endeavor Wharf and Marina car parks have been brought into line with the other council car parks and a ban on overnight parking for motor homes and caravans between 11pm and 7am put in place from yesterday August the 1st.
Unfortunately the car parks were becoming unofficial camp sites for motor homes and caravans, the local paper carried a photo of the car park beyond the Co-Op packed with motor homes, 60 at a rough count, barely a car to be seen and there are no facilities for rubbish/chemical toilet disposal etc. ( unless you are a Marina permit holder paying a small fortune to berth your boat)
had a go on a Suttner last year, they are lovely instruments
Whitby Folk Week on the lovely North Yorkshire Coast, always plenty of concertina and melodeon interest, the List of Artists booked so far is impressive and this year there is no clash with the Regatta.
Whitby week also follows on from Saltburn Folk Festivalto see the details scroll down the Cutty Wren's web page that the link takes you to and click on the small yellow Saltburn Festival logo found on the left side of the page. Or www.cuttywrenfolkclub.com
Probably won't be back - we've had affordable accommodation for the last few years but we can't get anything comparable now.
Accommodation can be a right 'so and so' , we have friends who have stayed with us for the festival for nearly twenty years ... they arrive with bags, instruments etc. and almost the first words uttered are ...... " will we be OK to stop with you next Folk Week"
http://whitbyfolk.co.uk/node/16 On the bracing North Yorkshire Coast lots of music and dance with the added attraction of the 176th Whitby Regatta http://whitbyregatta.co.uk/ for the first few days, yacht racing, sea rowing over the weekend and the fabulous firework display on Monday night ..... general fun for the non folkie members of your family.
Will post more useful info. bus times etc. nearer the time
A small word of warning ..... some of the really good German tunes were 'appropriated' during WWII and had new words set to them. Luckily for me a friend recognised the tune I was happily playing with gusto was no longer known as 'The Adventurer', a song from the late 1800's, but had had new lyrics to it by Horst Wessell and was used as the Nazi party's song!! I'm told it's still illegal to play the tune in Germany ....... Having slightly older friends with good memories can be a blessing, all 'new to me' German folk tunes/ songs are now run past them and vetted to avoid causing offence.
my browser cache has now had a long overdue clean but no joy getting Melnet yet. Will try again later?
It should be fine, I've done something similar with a G/C melodeon using a tutor book for a D/G instrument. The pattern of the buttons you use will be the same on a C/G as on a G/D, as long as you're following the button instructions for the tunes you will be automatically transposing the tune into the right keys for your instrument.
All the best ??
Whoops .... Pressed send accidentally Is anyone else going to the AGM in Newcastle on the 16th of April? The programme looks great
Just for fun, here are recordings we made of two of the arrangements during the practice sessions.
Love the deep fruity bass
oh dear ...... received an e-mail this morning from one of the people running the (weeklyTuesday) sessions in the First In Last Out pub stating that they will not be holding any of the 'fringe' sessions there this coming Folk Week, or for that matter any more Tuesday or 1st Saturday sessions. They hope to be at The Fleece on Church Street (not far from the Middle Earth) during Folk Week instead and plan to start a regular Wednesday night folk session in the Fleece from this coming Wednesday (6th August)
New parking restrictions are now up and running in Whitby
, there are also pay and display parking meters on the West Cliff and down the road to Sandsend.
here's a link to the council website with the map http://www.scarborough.gov.uk/PDF/Whitby-Parking-Zones.pdf showing where parking permits and disc parking is allowed and where it's pay and display. The parking restrictions apply between 9am and 7pm
If your holiday accommodation falls in one of the 'permit' zones then the owner of the holiday let/B&B/Hotel is the person to supply you with the parking permit for your stay
copied from the Scarborough Council website ..... "Holiday accommodation scratch cards
Holiday accommodation scratch cards are available to holiday accommodation providers within Whitby’s Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ).
Holiday accommodation scratch cards allow parking in the 2 hour disc and permit holder only parking areas.
Allows guests visiting the area and staying in accommodation to park in the zone with a correctly validated scratch card for up to four days.
The cost of the cards are discounted to 50 pence each until 2017 after which the price will rise to the price charged in line with the rest of the borough (Currently £1.70 in Scarborough).
Hoteliers and guest house proprietors can obtain these cards upon submission of business stationery showing company/VAT registration number."
As far as I know the ordinary council car parks remain unchanged, link to details of the Council car parks in Whitby http://www.scarborough.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=15655 and Staithes, Runswick and Robin Hood's Bay here http://www.scarborough.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=15783 It is possible to buy an advance ticket for the long stay council run car parks, details on this link http://www.scarborough.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=15862
Gundel’s Excelsior
in General Concertina Discussion
🙂looks more like a Melodeon