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Rolf Gidlow

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Everything posted by Rolf Gidlow

  1. I completely understand (and agree with) the need to have a "base" fingering system as a place to start from. That said, I'm still perplexed by the use of the #14 draw to play the 'c'. It adds another finger for just one note, and it doesn't decrease the number of bellows changes than one would employ to play a G scale using instead the #21 push. But what puzzles me the most is that Mr. Hill doesn't like the #14 push to play 'B' because of the location of the reed (under the hand) and the resultant change in sound - yet, for the #14 pull ('C'), the reed is located in the same place and clearly (on my two concertinas at least) has a different sound than the right hand 'C'. I'll be studying with Mr. Hill in a couple of months and can get the explanation directly from the source but, still, I'm puzzled by that choice.
  2. Fortunately, I live near enough to the Button Box to be able to get down there if necessary (though it takes most of a day). I was able to get down there yesterday and let Bob take care of the problem. Thank you for the replies and suggestions - they helped, and I'm hoping I'll be more prepared next time.
  3. Thanks Leo. Of course the pad came loose shortly after the Button Box closed for the weekend, and I was hoping that there was something that I could do before they're available again on Monday. Since it's a warranty issue it's probably best to leave it alone, I know. I just didn't want to have to leave it alone until Monday. The pad in question is in the accidental row and is a key not often used, so I cam get by until then. Thanks again.
  4. I just received my new Morse Ceili two days ago. Just now a pad came loose and needs to be re-attached. (I'm able to position the pad and the arm holds it in place, making the instrument playable, but obviously I cannot use that key.) The other pads appear to be attached with a drop of clear glue. Is this something I can do myself, or should I return it for repair?
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