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Rick McKinney

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Posts posted by Rick McKinney

  1. On 10/5/2021 at 9:11 PM, Ethan Ham said:

    In a Facebook forum, Lexie Boatright posted that her student Catriona Fee coached Martin how to mime playing and performed the music that is heard.

    I’ve only seen a short clip of him playing in an advertisement—it wasn’t very convincing (his fingers didn’t move).

    I was excited to see him with it, but I agree it didn't look like he was playing it more like ......Lip Sync......or maybe better Finger Sync...lol. Still I was excited to see him playing none the less.

  2. So I had never touched a Concertina before last year. I play Tin Whistle & Irish Flute and Edel Fox caught my eye on OAIM and I started thinking.  Although, it was hard to find entry level Concertinas I got on the waiting list with Concertina Connection for a Rochelle. I received her in January 21 and began playing using both OAIM & IrishConcertinaLessons.com and couldn't be happier with my choice. I'm currently thinking about and looking into upgrading to and trying to decide my options. My plan is to visit the Button Box and look at the Morse Ceili and/or look at the CC Minstrel or Clover. CC gives you a full $ value credit to upgrade theirs, although the Button Box does also toward their Morse Ceili I didn't buy it from them so I don' imagine that would count and it'll end up being a money issue.


    Good Luck

    -- Rick

  3. So I’m thinking of upgrading my Rochelle, I’ve had her since January. It would make sense to upgrade to a Minstrel, but I’m wondering about a the idea of going to a Clover or a Celi. I’m only an hour or so from the Button Box so it’s a trip I’ve been wanting to make. Of course, I don’t know that I’ll ever warrant a Concertina of that level though.


    - - Rick

  4. So I started with the OAIM because I was doing the Flute & Whistle lessons and became captivated by Edel and decided to get one and try my hand at it. That was a month or so ago and I'm doing her beginner program but I also signed up for a year with OCL's with Caitlin. If you've ever had to pay for lesson for you kids (3 of them) you realize how great a deal these programs are. I've also been a Ukulele student at Artistworks for 4-5 years which is an amazing set up where you submit videos to the instructors and they critique them and your playing. So even with all three of them I don't pay a 1/4 of what I paid annually for my kids who I own all there instrument.....lol.

    I think both ladies are very charming and do a lovely job. 


    -- Rick (Outside of Boston)

  5. I was looking for a while to find something to learn and was not finding anyone with starter Concertinas. I know many were out of stock maybe due lots of interest to learn something new during lockdowns or lower production for the same reasons. Concertina Connection reached out that there Rochelles would be back in and it was hear in less than a week. 
    I’m very happy with my decision, it’s great for where I am and they have a full upgrade program for down the road. I’m  working with Edel Fox’s lessons and enjoying myself a great deal.

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  6. So, I was looking to find something to try as a Concertina, I was hoping to go to the Button Box, but they are still  closed due to state orders. So when the Concertina Connation emailed me that they had them back in stock I  jumped on it and  she arrived on Friday.  I'm very happy I did, although it'll take a bit of work to figure out how to play I'll figure it out.  I'm just playing with scales and the first couple of lessons from Edel Fox on OAIM and it's not horrible. Since I have  play a bunch of things now as a somewhat of an adult, this brings back the Piano lessons Mom made me take as a kid (That I still regret that I didn't really apply myself too, might be the next thing I look at) and the bass lessons I did through High School. 

    So I've very excited, I joined the ICA and eventually will get to go the the Button Box.

    Thank You for the advice that people sent to me.


    -- Rick

  7. Hello,

     Greeting from Outside Boston MA, I've been looking into the Concertina for a few months and have found these forum to be very helpful. I play Mandolin, Ukulele, Harmonicas, Tin Whistle and Irish Flute. I kept seeing things about Concertinas and then started to search out Concertina videos and anything else I could find about them and I am fascinated. I've reached out to the Button Box and I am on the list for Rochelle new or used or something. Of course the world seems to be back ordered on them so I'm waiting somewhat patiently.....lol. I've been thinking of other alternatives a Swan or a Blackthorn but not to sure. I've been reading all the post here about which ones and how to decide what you'd like to play. I like lots of different types of music, but am mostly interested in Irish Music so that's the direction I believe I should go. I was quite taken by  a couple of video's of guys playing Duets but I know myself and don't know if that would work for me.  Any direction would be great, I'm already a member at OAIM and working with their Whistle & Flute stuff and looking forward to the Concertina program.


    -- Rick

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