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  1. Thanks to everyone for the advice. The more info I can gather the better decision I can make. I will closely review all that has been submitted and will also use the links provided for additional material. From the proceeding posts I gather there are 3 or 4 distinct varities of concertinas and a clarification on the following points will assist me greatly. Are Anglos, English and Duets differing varities (such as Ford, Mercedes & BMW motorcars for example)? Or are they like Ford Escort, Ford Thunderbird & Ford Crown Victoria? Or is it more like a left hand drive as opposed to a right hand drive? I apologize for the poor analogy but it was all I could think of at the moment. Also Stagi and Edeophone were mentioned...is one a manufacture and the other a model? I promise to not ask any more neophyte questions until I have read some texts on concertinas in general.... Thanks again, Wayne. Oh, by the way, I'm located in Tallahassee, Florida, USA and am interested in religious and folk/country music. HWPELT@yahoo.com
  2. I’m new to concertinas but am interested in learning to play and have several questions. I can read music and play several instruments, the closest to a concertina being the harmonica. My playing would be for my own enjoyment but accompanying someone on guitar could be a possibility. I would like to get the least expensive 20 or 30 button instrument (new or used) until I determined I could play well enough, and enjoyed playing, to consider a more desirable concertina. I understand a 30 button instrument has more accidentals than a 20 button instrument. Are accidentals akin to sharps and flats? Is a 30 button unit as easy to play as a 20 button if I’m not using the additional 10 buttons? In other words, if I become proficient on a 20 button model would I be confused when encountering a 30 button model? Are all 20 or 30 button models identical in key arrangement regardless of manufacturer (similar to the piano). Would the added cost of a 30 button model be worth it if I’m just exploring at the moment and looking for low cost? What could I expect to pay for such a unit? Are there brands/models I should concentrate on, and conversely, are there any I should avoid? The major keys I would like to play in are G, C & D. Can you recommend a make/model for the beginner and a reputable business that deals with concertinas (new or used) that meet the desired requirements. Thanks, Wayne. HWPELT@yahoo.com
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