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Fingering For Scale Of "a" And "d" On A C/g 30 Button


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Hey there - I was hoping there would be an answer to your question. I am also just starting, but I am a couple months in, I am playing a rochelle as well. I haven't tried a tune in A yet but I was seeking advice because It seems like almost everything I am learning is in the key of D, using mostly my left hand, and I want to branch out to use more of the instrument. I can share a bit with you though on play in D.


theres probably a vocab for this that I don't know but lets say we are working with the "g" row, the "c" row, and the "a" for accidental row. so if your pushing the root, or d, with your pinky on the second button of the "g" row, next you push C4 with your middle, then pull g2, push g3, pull g3, push g4, push a6 (right hand index, thats the c#), push g5 with left index ---- thats the first octave.


The second octave is easy using a push/pull pattern on the g row, until you get to the second C#, which is located on A9, and then the octave is way back on g8, seeming really illogical. Lets hope someone can come and shed some light on the subject for us, eh?

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Hi Jacob,Thanks for replying.Your "D" is similar to what i have configured. Differences are i use the C3 "D" starting.

I have configured a scale in "A" as follows.C5 pull,C6pull,A6 push,C7pull,C7push,G6pull,A8push and finish on C9pull.I am not sure if this is the conventional pattern for the "A" scale and for the life of me i cannot find any reference to the "A" scale on the net or in the book that came with the Rochelle.As i mentioned before the tunes which i play on a Melodeon are mostly in A G or D so my first job is to try and find the "easiest?" way to play the scales in these Keys so as to become familiar with the buttons..

I do hope you can make sense of the above.Thank You

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