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  1. The Folkworks Youth Summer School is coming back to Durham! Youth means ages 14 to 17. No sign of the adult summer school yet but we have hopes. This event will be held in Durham School in Durham City from August 19 to 23 and will be a wonderful experience for any folk-minded player. The International Concertina Association is offering a bursary of £250 towards the fully residential price of £500 this year. To qualify for this you need to be the right age and play concertina to a reasonable standard (above beginner). An interest in folk music is needed but not necessarily previous experience. The 2024 Summer School will mainly involve working in mixed instrument groups, but the course will be tailored to the young musicians so there will be opportunity for instrument specific focus during the week. Sam Partridge (one of this year’s tutors) is a concertina player and will be able to support with this. They will be expected to write a short piece about the experience for Concertina World, the ICA magazine. We could offer help with drafting this if needed. We would also like a photograph taken during the summer school. Folkworks should be able to arrange this. If you are interested or would like to know more, contact Roger Gawley at bursary@concertina.org
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