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Found 2 results

  1. Hey everybody, this is my first post here. I'm Philipp, 25 years old, I come from Germany (Kaiserslautern) and usually play the piano at irish folk sessions. As a second (more transportable ) instrument, I'm thinking about buying a concertina. By searching on the internet, I learned a lot about the construction, the different button layouts and which layout is convenient for irish folk. During my search, I came across an intermediate concertina from McNeela (Phoenix): http://www.mcneelamusic.com/the-phoenix-concertina/ Now the question is whether this is an instrument I will enjoy for a longer time (several years) or will there a need to upgrade after a fairly short time? Has anyone experience with this model? Are there any significant differences between Czechoslovakian and Italian reeds (tipo a mano) with respect to the sound or response, respectively? Thanks in advance! Philipp
  2. I'm looking to buy my first english concertina today and I'm going to buy a Stagi English A48-S. The question is if I should choose tenor or treble(baritone is available as well but I don't want one too low). Is the treble too high and annoying or is it smooth and good for leads? Or should I buy a tenor instead? EDIT: I found some videos, and I think treble is a safe bet, you rarely go to the highest C anyways.
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