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  1. In prowling the Ergonomics forum I see the pinky or little finger has often been discussed, but not to the extent that might help some people with a very specific condition. My problem was first treated as Trigger Finger, but the therapist noticed it didn't match that condition and wasn't responding to treatment for Trigger Finger. She was familiar with a genetic condition called Dupuytren's Contracture and suggested I see a doctor to be evaluated. Yup, that's what I have. I need to go back over the Locked Little Finger discussion and contact the person who said his little finger tended to lock in a curl. Perhaps he's in the early stages of either Trigger Finger or Dupuytren's Contracture since he said he was able to flick it free. I can't do that. Dupuytren's Contracture comes on slowly, bending the pinky and sometimes the ring finger so that it can't be straightened. Currently there are 3 different treatments. I tried the least invasive. Needle aponeurotomy had my hand numbed and a hypodermic needle tried to divide the diseased tissue. At first it seemed successful. Perhaps I didn't exercise enough afterwards, but I'm inclined to believe the splint I was supposed to wear while asleep was the problem. It was too large and my finger would slip out of it. Another is collagen injections into the damaged tissue and then manually straighten it. Seems to me like the same problem might occur. Surgery can remove the tissue in the palm affected by the disease. This gives a more complete joint release than the other two methods, but may require therapy and takes longer to recover. Don't know if this information will help anyone, but I know of a fellow storyteller/puppeteer with this condition. Both of us are inclined just to adapt if at all possible.
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