I recorded this tune, The Battle of the Somme, a while ago on my 1854 brass-reeded Wheatstone baritone English, but have only just got round to posting a link to it on Soundcloud. The tune was composed by Pipe-major William Lawrie, of the 8th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in 1916, while the regiment were serving in the trenches. William Lawrie became ill in the trenches and was invalided back to England where he later died as a result of his illness in a military hospital in Oxford in 1916, aged 35 years old. He composed some 20 tunes, the majority of which have survived and this is his most famous tune. I have recorded it in commemoration of the centenary of the first world war. Although often notated in 9/8 time, I prefer to play it a bit slower in 3/4 time, emphasising the dotted crochets.